Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -
Community Member
We are pleased to announce the next session of our Open House Program, where users get an opportunity to chat with the eBay India Management Team.

Join Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -, for a discussion on buying and selling on eBay India. Avnish will be available on this thread on Tuesday, the 23rd of August, 2005 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM IST, for an interactive session with our users.

Make the most of this Open House Session to interact with Avnish, provide him your feedback, and ask him any questions you might have related to trading on eBay.

You can submit your questions before or during the event by making a post on this thread. For help on using the discussion boards, please click here.

See you on the 23rd at 5:00 PM!
Community Development Team

Thanks and Regards,
Buyer Engagement Team
Message 1 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

This is with respect to our fees payable for the month of May, 2005. We have already made payment on 22nd June, 2005 via HDFC Bank Direct Pay. The details of which are as follows:

22 Jun 2005 15525/Ebay India - Billing Ref No: 622145115 Rs. 1184.37

On your request we have couriered you a copy of our banks statement showing the transaction thrice already (this ahs costed us Rs. 150 Courier Charges and Rs. 75 Bank Statemnt Request Charges to the Bank)

And yet today being 21st August, the amount does not reflect in our account. Talk about PaisaPay being fast.

And also not to forget we receive your e-mail suspension threats and eBay staff too calls up and threatens us that they will suspend our account. What is the meaning off these threats? Please maintain some professionalism.
Message 41 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member
touch_and_shine (43 ) We totally agree with these seller.We face the same problem+
1) There should be aguideline that if a rating goes less then 79%(like it was in baazee we have to give explantion.But we maitain more then 93% rating for every 100 rating we get 10 negative which we try to resolve.Every second day we get a letter for customer care asking us explantion, most of the disputes are closed it clear show still we are required to give all explanation otherwise our acc get suspened, and when it get suspened 10-15k get stuck in paispay we cannot see the buyer whose thing we have to send and they open new unnecessary cases.Bazee had good guidelineline i hope you to same.
@)Feedback problem We give clearly if product is damaged inshipping return
If you don't like retun
We will give full refund. But if a buyer doen't retun what can we do.And for that ebay customer service keep sending email give explanation.
For same product we have got so many postiveratings.Every customer has their preferance if they don't like return.
3)We get email about unpaid item fees, what can we do if buyer doen't wnat to pay , If we don't file it is a loss to us.We are jus t following the process.
4)Nedd to have a system to edit ratings.
Message 42 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member
Also ebay need to make it flexible for buyer to use paispay option.Once the buyer has choosen any other option they are then nota llowed to use paispay then buyer keep send us email what to do.
2)On baazee everyday minium we use to sell 80 product with 300-400 listing, now we have to list 1000 listing to get 30-35 product sold in on e day, if we list less there is hardly any sale.We would liek to knwo the reason and what can we do, on baazee same product use tosell 80 item per day why not now. why people are not bidding as they use to bid on baazee.
Message 43 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member
ebay is fourcing us to use the paid service of square trade, For rs200 transction they want us to pay $29.99 to resolve when the buyer is not ready to do anything.It is buyer responsibilty to return the item also.
Also Sir please define complaint.We thought whatever is in dispute console were complain made by buyer to resolver, here we are getting email that all netural ratings area lso complaint.We cannot resolve if buyer is not returning the item, we are doing our job in clearing listing and for this you are suspending account, We are the oldest seller on baazee, You can see our feedback profile.

While I understand that you state in your listings that you will refund
a buyer if the item they received was damaged during shipping, you must
still resolve the complaints on your account in order to remove them. I
would recommend that you consider phoning your buyers if you have not
already done so.

If you are unable to resolve the situation after a phone call, you have
the option of using the SquareTrade mediation service. SquareTrade is an
independent third-party that provides dispute resolution services to
eBay buyers and sellers. SquareTrade offers a free web-based forum where
users can attempt to resolve their differences on their own. If
necessary, SquareTrade also offers the services of a professional
mediator for a fee. To learn more about SquareTrade please go to the
following link:

If, after filing a case with SquareTrade, you are still unable to
resolve the situation, you can fax us a copy of the mediation summary
that you would receive from SquareTrade and we will review the
mediation. If we believe that you have done everything that you can to
resolve the situation through the mediation, we will remove the
complaint from your account.
Message 44 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member
When I saw the announcement of the ebay team about the "Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman - ",I have searched for the regular sentence in most of the communications by the ebay team to its custmers that,"this is an automated email...send no reply.."
My time was very bad during June and I have purchase a mobile phone from ebay(NEW SONY ERICSSON Z-600 TRIBAND CAMERA BLUETOOTH PHONE with manufactuers warrenty - 6406761912 seller:mobizone_in1 ) during that time and all the troubles started.The phone was a used one without any warrenty and I have posted a negative remarks in the feedback.Then started the long and never ending process of sending and receving emails and finally I approached the ebay Standard purchase protection system.I have receved so many automated emails and nothing happened so far.
The fraud seller is selling his items through ebay still now.
Now-a-days I am thinking of becoming a seller like the one whom I have described above because ebay will protect me without taking any action against me.So friends let us us start fraud selling through ebay.Happy fraud selling!!
Message 45 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member
Firstly--- Bid Mails : We are not receiving mails when a purchase is made in auction or buynow.This has beenhappening last one week sent email to customer support no help.
Secondly:Sir isn't it important to see the ratio of positive and negative feedback, The seller cannot be at fault everytime.This way blaming them and threating to suspend them you will just loose the good sellers.We can'thelp nutreal rating .We just want to do business.If item is not sent it is our fault but asking explanantion for disputes which are closed isn't is waste of time, when we send customer support this explantion we get a cut and paste respond.!!I hope you will give us advise.
Message 46 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member
See this is what I am talking about the cut and paste response.We asked something giving vague reply

Thank you for writing to eBay concerning the recent email you received.

While SquareTrade is affiliated with eBay, they still have their own
Customer Support Department. The representatives there are much better
equipped to answer SquareTrade-specific questions. For the best
assistance in this situation, please contact SquareTrade's Customer
Support at:

If this link does not work, please copy and paste the URL into your
browser or use the steps below to contact SquareTrade by:

1) Opening a new browser and go to
2) Clicking on the "help" at the top right of the homepage.
3) Clicking "Click Here" under the "General" section.
4) Going to the bottom of the list shown and clicking "I am unable to
find the answer to my question, how can I get more help?"
5) Clicking "Contact Us" link on the right side of the page.

I apologize that I was not better able to help you with your inquiry.
However, please be assured that SquareTrade Customer Support will
respond to you as quickly as possible.

If you have reviewed eBay's help pages and still have a question
specifically to eBay, then please feel free to email our Customer
Support department.

Please let me know if I can assist you further. Again, thank you for
of your efforts in keeping eBay a fun and safe place to trade.


eBay SafeHarbor
Investigations Team
Your Personal Trading Community (tm)


Protect your eBay account by changing your password regularly. For more
information, please visit the link below:

In order to better serve you, we'd like to occasionally request
on our service. If you would rather not participate, please click on
link below and send us an email with the word "REMOVE" in the subject

Original Message Follows:

we are filing all the cases at fair square trade, but we cannot pay
$29.99 per case.It dosen't make sense for rs200 to spend $29.99.It say
if buyer doen't reposnd with 14 days we are eligible to get our rating
reviewed and withdrawn, also if there is any response from buyer we can
email it for your review, but we won't pay per case.Please advise

eBay India Customer Support wrote:Hello,

Message 47 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member
Hello sir,

Iam one of your member and I have seen advtisement in a newspaper and i became a member in "eBay". But i have no idea about this and iam getting many e-mails form your office. I have no idea regarding this type of bussiness and i brought to your notice to explain and to give a keen idea bout this, how to sell & buy. I think by seeing this message you will give me a better idea and you will help me to go further in this bussiness. I will be very thankful to you,waiting for your reply

Message 48 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member


I am an established seller on eBay UK with over 6000 positive feedbacks and a feedback rating of 100%.

I am also registered with eBay India, as I live part-time in India and have an export business based in Ooty.

I wish to sell on eBay India to both the domestic and international markets, but it is important that I am able to receive payments online.

Unfortunately, PaisaPay is not available in my city (Ooty), and although I can
receive payments from customers around the world through PayPal, there does not seem to be a way of including PayPal payments on eBay India.

Please can you tell me how I can receive secure payments online for goods sold on eBay India?

Many thanks and best wishes,


Message 49 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -
Community Member
Hi Everybody,

This is Avnish here. Thanks to all of you who have posted all your feedback for me. It is a pleasure for me to be on the boards today. I hope to interact with many of you over the next hour here, and try and address most of the issues you have raised.

This is my first post to the boards, so I will request your patience in case you find my typing speed to be slow! 🙂 To start with, please join me in congratulating Gautam Thakar and Rajan Mehra as they take on the operating responsibilities from me in their new roles as Country Managers of the Marketplace and New Ventures & Payments business unit of eBay India and help them be successful in the same way that you have supported this company so far. Moving on to the questions, I will be answering the queries already posted, and then will move on to take live questions.

Look forward to a great session! :-)
Warm Regards & Best Wishes,

Warm Regards & Best Wishes,
Message 50 of 138
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