Hello All - It has been an absolute pleasure to interact with all of
you. The level of engagement has been great and, believe it or not, very
motivating! Any unanswered questions will be forwarded on to me by the
Community team and you can expect to ...
Hello vgabraham, Unfortunately policies are made not just people like
yourself who have good intent, but for people who may have malintent.
Being a savvy seller yourself, you will understand that it is impossible
to make exceptions on a case-by-case ...
Hello silconvalley, I actually believe that the feedback is a much
better way of building community than dispute resolution. By definition,
dispute resolution is always only about disputes and negativity. The
feedback forum provides an opporunity for...
Hello vgabraham, Assuming that the facts of your case are as stated by
you, and that there is no misunderstanding with respect to the timing of
the promotion or content of your listing etc., I can understand your
frustration. We are not the "big brot...
Hello jayaa2005, Thank you for joining this session. We have very
detailed tutorials on the site to help new users to buy and sell. You
can read about these here -
http://pages.ebay.in/ebayexplained/index.html?ssPageName=buy:f:f:IN For
more help on s...