Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -
Community Member
We are pleased to announce the next session of our Open House Program, where users get an opportunity to chat with the eBay India Management Team.

Join Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -, for a discussion on buying and selling on eBay India. Avnish will be available on this thread on Tuesday, the 23rd of August, 2005 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM IST, for an interactive session with our users.

Make the most of this Open House Session to interact with Avnish, provide him your feedback, and ask him any questions you might have related to trading on eBay.

You can submit your questions before or during the event by making a post on this thread. For help on using the discussion boards, please click here.

See you on the 23rd at 5:00 PM!
Community Development Team

Thanks and Regards,
Buyer Engagement Team
Message 1 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member
First of all Congrats to Mr. Bajaj for accepting the post of Chairman of ebay India. I am pretty Happy by the way how eBay has started its operations in INDIA. I think you guys have done good in promoting ebay india, Though i registered on baazee butI started selling on ebay india, hear a lot about drop in sales after the migration but my friends who are also seller from the baazee era say that infact their sales have improved thanks to baazee going international.

But I have a few concerns / questions / suggestions to make to ebay i think you will consider them carefully,

First, eBay started very well promoting its brand with a lot of contest and promotions which i think bought back the momentum which ebay lost after the merger, BUt from last couple of months ebay has stopped any promotions and contests which i think this site NEEDS to come out with these promotions at least for 6 moths to maintain that momentum. From the last couple of months i have seen a gradual decline in bids on my items.


Second thing i am concerned about is advertising and brand building. You guys say that onlione advertising is better than offline advertising because it gets targetted audiance but you have to understand that there are thousands of adverts on line like this a person like me would never click an advert online if its completely strange and if i dont know what ebay is. Infact still after 6months of the migration when i tell my frien that i have started selling online on ebay they can not understand "ebay" . Then i have to tell them and then they easily understand by the name of baazee. I think you should do offline adverts TV advets to build this brand, see the response is getting now. Infact you say that by ebay's vast expirience you have come to know that online promotion is the best, but as far as i know ebay international does a o lot of TV and magazine ads.

Now My two Main Questions are

Q1. What is eBay planning to do in future in the area of contests and promotions?? what are you planning for the next couple of months

Q2. What is ebay decided to do to build ebay as a brand as baazee?? what are your plans to take ebay to the mass, that people recognize ebay and we dont have to tell them

Hope you will read this carefully and reply

Message 2 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member
Dear Sir,

I want to use your offices to settle a long pending dispute on which no action has been taken for the last 7 months.I got defrauded by a fradulent seller Attitude (Mr. Satish)

Item : Most Stylist Watch On The Baazee
Item ID: 27910213
Order ID: 2427640
The seller took the money more than 7 months back and never cared to deliver the material. I wrote more than 25 reminders to ebay (ealier Baazee) but they did not take any action whatsoever. The ebay team even stopped responding to my mails.
Message 3 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member
Dear Sirs,
thanks for giving a chance to buyers to put forth their practical problems.My suggestion is that Please,please do something concrete to save us from fradulent sale of GEMS and Jewellary.Why dont u start cetificate issuing programme from ebay? This may be done at the willing buyers cost,or please devise someway so that we may purchase with confidence.
Please give a sinciere thought to it for our sake.we are facing frauds truly.
Message 4 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member

Hi , and welcome Avnish , as the Chairman - .

Its a God sent privilege and opportunity too , to welcome you on your own site as
Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

There have been and would be in ample too , in future , may be near or far , to bother you with complaints and problems - BUT AT THIS TIME LET ME SAY , ON BEHALF OF ALL E-BAYERS , SPECIALLY OF INDIAN SITE ( INCLUDING THAT AND THOSE OF bidorbuyindia / -

"WELCOME , SIR - MAY GOD BLESS and Bestow all his Blessings "

Sincerely - with Love and Light .

Message 5 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member
Hello Mr. Avnish Bajaj

I have a suggestion. Seeing all the good and hard work ebay is doing I would request you to change the ebay community values to the following

We believe people are basically good. Except Ebay.

We believe everyone has something to contribute. Contribute errors which we do not rectify.

We believe that an honest, open environment can bring out the best in people. But we do not know what honesty is.

We recognize and respect everyone as a unique individual. But not there feedback even if its our fault.

We encourage you to treat others the way you want to be treated. Like we said “encourage you“ that keep us out of it.

If you ask your staff to name a few Mr.Naveen, Mr.Amarjit Batra, Mr. Pushpinder Singh Bumrah all are aware of my case, but did someone help ?? I guess you know the answer. For your reference I will tell you the complete case.

Like you know that feedback were migrated to

If you check my feedback score on ebay it shows 2 neutral from the following id's



If you check my baazee feedback, the neutral rating from the above said ids were updated to positive.

During the first round of migrating these 2 neutral rating were transferred to ebay, after which the ratings were updated on baazee. I knew that I will face this problem if Ebay India did not have a proper synchronization process for migrating the ratings during the second round of transfer, so I made a post on the community with this issue hoping it will be taken care off. You can check the post using the following link

Its been months now and the problem is still not resolved. On baazee I have 0 neutral and due to improper migration process I am stuck with 2 neutral on ebay, if ebay and baazee had a proper synchronization process I would have not faced this problem and now due to ebay’s fault I have to suffer.

Below you can see the response I got from Neha ( Ebay India )

"We value your relationship with us and once again urge you to treat this unpleasant incident as an exceptional occurrence and not as an indicator of our commitment to quality customer service"

We have worked hard day and night keeping our feedback 100% positive with 0 neutral and 0 negative and now she expects me to treat it as an exception
Is it my fault if your migration process had flaws. Cant you consider it as an exception and rectify it ?? I understand that you are bound with ebay policy for non removal of the 2 neutral feedback, but in this case the fault in completely at ebay India's end. Why should I suffer for a mistake which ebay made ?? Even after posting this issue prior to the second round of updation, ebay was not capable of resolving it. This clearly shows there inefficiency.

I am not asking you to upgrade the ratings to positive, I am asking you to remove them the way mutual feedback removal works. I don’t mind if the comments stay but the ratings should not count in my feedback score.

Hoping you will respond to my post and take appropriate action to get it rectified.

Best Regards

Surjeet Kakkar

( Ebay ID : PPJewellers )
Message 6 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member
Surjeet Kakkar Saheb Jee ,

I would agree to some of your view points and add - We Indians are more hard working and may be more commited to some and certain causes - while the other part of the world may Not be .

I had posted a Thread - Paypal even cheats its customers - and believe me Paypal had cheated all my faith , beleifs and trust - apart from hard earned MONEY - making me loose approximately Rs. 30,000/= in just a second and making itself richer bt this amount + itc commission etc. et al . AND NO BODY CARED - NOT EVEN ITS GODFATHER - THE EBAY.COM - OR ITS STEP SON/DAUGHTER - , since all the people there are getting their money - earned or otherwise too - SO LET THE POOR SELLER GO TO HELL .

I am not here to ofdend anyone - but this is the Truth and the Fact of the Day .

lets see how sincere and commited to the cause of genuine frievances is the new team - I wish them Luck and God's Blessings .

Sincerely - as always - halwawala_in1
Message 7 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member
Hello Avnish Bajaj,

Welcome to eBay. My name is Navaneeth (Snrama).

The suggestion I give is many buyers/sellers don't leave feedback and they don't know what is it and what is the use.

We request you to add "REQEST FEEDBACK" button so that we can post a mail for feedback. Regards,
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 8 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member
Message 9 of 138
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Open House Discussion with Avnish Bajaj, Chairman -

Community Member
Dear Mr. Bajaj,

I have been trying to sell some of my used items through eBay. in...

However it seems that there are too many fraud buyers who will buy your item but never pay. Or will tell you to ship to Nigeria. And they will pay by bidpay. Then they will send you spoof mails. And these have been reported to your customer service and they send silly answers. Do this and do that. But when I ask them as to why can’t they verify a user before registering them, or have some kind of linkage to the Buyer/Seller Bank Account or Credit Card, they have NO Answer.

For Example, My Macintosh Laptop has been sold so many times to buyers who do not respond or those who want a shipment out of India, mainly to Nigeria. The EBay buyer information may have Chandigarh Telephone number, Agra locality and Delhi as the City! Amazing isn't it?

Someone recently won the bid on my Car, and when I called him, initially he did not even remember, and then he said maybe his secretary made the bid. Then he wanted to bargain further. I feel he was doing a window shopping and having fun, or was a car dealer collecting data.

Now when you Customer Service look at my account, they feel that I have done good trading on your site. And they suspect that I am claiming FVF credit, and bypassing eBay. in...

This is ridiculous because I am indeed going through a terrible experience of re-listing and claiming FVF credit for no fault of mine. If they feel I am cheating, then they must catch the successful bidder, have him pay me and pick up the item.

I am tired of e-mailing your silly customer care. But they are not tired of calling on my Mobile phone to tell me of eBay promotions. Can they stop doing that? It costs a bomb for every incoming call for example in Maldives, if roaming. And promotion on the mobiles is not decent.

In short:

Verify Buyer/Seller before registering.

Have a phone support

FVF credit process must be made simpler, and not like one has to wait for 14 days minimum to get the credit. 7 wait to even lodge a complaint!

Last but not the least, have seller tools made for Macintosh Users as well. Windows is not the ONLY OS in this world.


Amit Bhargava
Message 10 of 138
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