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I'm posting this topic to let you guys know about the faulty product which I got delivered from ICC WORLD, purchased off ebay. I received this mobile HTC HD2 T-mobile (item #180529241700 GEB - 330448700937 - BRAND NEW HTC HD2 T-MOBILE CELLPHO -- PaisaPay ID 26941342414) on 12th July 2010. The mobile is defective as the mobile doesn’t start up completely. When I received it the mobile it worked fine for 10mins and suddenly it restarted itself. After which the mobile just remains stuck on the welcome screen. I decided to contact ICC WORLD (reseller) and Ebay to get this replaced as soon as possible. I have shown the mobile to the authorized HTC service center and they have said that the mobile is defective. I contacted ICC WORLD and they have asked me to contact Ebay. I have also contact the person who has sold this cell phone to ICC WORLD and he asked me to contact T-mobile. I contacted T-mobile and they said that they cannot replace the mobile as I’m not a T-mobile customer.
I have already raised a dispute under the ebay buyer protection. The case is handled by Suhail Sayed and he was not able to give me any assurance on this issue as he is contacting the seller till now and haven't received any response. Which I have done by myself and already received the reply of contacting T-mobile. How can we solve this issue now as its already past a whole week that I have been waiting for Ebay reply. I need to get my money back or a replacement of this faulty product. I have contacted my credit card issue and they have confirmed that the transaction can be disputed. How can i escalate this issue even further.

Thank You.
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recent update... i went to the auth HTC service center and tht guy said tht the main board has to be replaced (without opening the mobile or anything as such) which will cost 8000 bucks or more... I called up sushant and he was surprised too... he sd will call back in 2 hrs or monday... no update after that... will wait for his mail on monday... I need to just end this asap... its really upsetting each day have to do this...
Message 11 of 17
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i feel u need to go to 3 different service outlets - get 3 quotes and then furnish those to sushant. Then let them authorise it. u shud be ok
Message 12 of 17
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I have suddenly hit rock bottom... I called up Sushant today and asked him abt the proceeding and he sd tht reimbursing the repair cost if fine.. HTC service center guy had quoted 8000 as repair charges... however this time sushant sd tht if the mobile is still not fixed then ebay wont be responsible for the mobile as it has been tampered with. He also sd tht US seller has already washed off his hand from it and ICC WORLD hence cannot refund the amnt... So now he is asking me to repair the phone... pay for it as well first and then also bear the risk of cell phone being completely dead... Is this really right thing tht i purchase a phone brand new for 22000+ and then also have to do all these things... I will call Sushant and ask him to get me a refund and thts what Ebay Buyer Protection says...
P.S. Can someone also give me the address or phone no how I can contact consumer forum if need arises...
Message 13 of 17
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hey guys... as instructed i have returned my cell phone back to ICC WORLD and now awaiting refund... I returned my phone on 28072010 and now waiting for a credit as was asked to wait for a week...
Message 14 of 17
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tats really nice to know
Message 15 of 17
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I have recd a complete refund... thanks to ebay and sushant...
Message 16 of 17
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ebay should be more careful in selecting the sellers, they should have some control on the seller at least some kind of guarantee to catch fradulent sellers who sells one or two items and fade away. Ebay should hold such sellers for at lease 60days till such time any dispute is lodged, in which event they protect the buyer. this is absolutely ridiculous to say, that if somebody buys on C.O.D basis they cannot protect. If such control is not there then there will be dozen "cooljewayindia" kind of sellers who get away after selling some stupid stuff to gullible buyers like me.
Message 17 of 17
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