Thanks mobile-accessories-etc for your kind words. Also thanks for making the mood in here a little sweet by your spicy Pav Bhaji incident... LOL
@ prithvi + many
I hope I am not breaking this news to you that even many eBay staff people are having eBay selling accounts. (Right from executives to top management)
But those are their personal and have got nothing to deal with promoting eBay policies and decisions.
Please do not get personal in eBay forums. I dont know who is real.phoenix but he is a fellow eBayer and I respect him for that. Community is based on these similar values.
We started this thread with a more serious problem i.e eBay Gifts not being delivered. I suggested Cash Vouchers in place of Gifts in case gifts are not delivered till the stipulated timeline. We sellers are supposed to refund money in case we are not able to ship within the deadline or deliver within the time frame. So why cant eBay Guarantee delivery of the gifts. They are more then mere gifts, they are part of the deal.
If 100 voices are raised in support we can definitely get this thing approved.
Prithvi Jee you may be absolutely right in saying that some bugs may be left intentionally left in the system. They actually are in many other things as well for testing and research purposes. I remember in my younger days playing Computer games with Cheats. Even those were bugs.
But the whole point here is that these should not collide with buyer interest's. So I request eBay to come clean on this gifts issue as this problem in not being faced by a couple of people. Infact every time a new gift offer is announced I see many people complaining of gifts not being delivered.
At last I will say only one thing neither we sellers nor buyers can do anything about this problem but suggest solutions.... Fighting with each other is of no use and it will simply waste our energy & time.
(If you want your voice to be heard more efficiently use EBay's wall in Facebook, they are more bothered about their PR there and tend to reply a little faster)