Something needs to be done about this. This seller vivekaccount does not respond to any of my queries regarding the courier service's URL or local contact number through which he has shipped the product. The deal was done on the 4th of November'06 and my product has not been delivered till the 10th of January'07. I give him a negative feedback, and this audacious guy, who never responded to any of my quries, replies the very next day to the negative rating saying a funny and aggravating statement: 'have shipped the product and have the receipt, still saying did not receive it!' Ebay India team, what kind of customer service is this?
When I tried to escalate my dispute to a claim, the Dispute Console said that my transaction was not over Rs.50 (even though it was Rs.69) Thig guy has taken the money, not sent the product, not repiled to any of my queries, and gets off with just a negative rating from me replying in the stupid manner given above! I lose my money, and no product is delivered to me along with a pathetic customer service. What will be done about this. I want either my money back, or my product. Please reply, it is very necessary. I want this guy reprimanded for such a stupid reply to a customer