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Forum Posts

Product Quality - seller's responsibilty

My first purchase on eBay was a Treo 600 (used) from itwizard47 (item # 9112115518) which was posted as a PDA handset in `Excellent' condition. On receipt of the handset, I discovered that it was worn out and frayed from the edges. On leaving a negat...

mis behaviour of the seller mobilecomputeronix

as i have purchased the item from the seller but after purchasing the seller sms ed me and told not to make the payment as the rate quoted for the item 6866624886 as wrong and he is not in a poition to fullfil the order. so that's the reason i have n...

Fraud Buyer - NIGERIAN

USER ID: tengel1291 Hello, Compliment of the season to you. I am TOM ENGEL FROM USA ..I saw your item below(9705767289) on ebay and i am really intrested in buying it for my Son as a surprise gift for him in school (Bt American university) at nigeria...

Problems with the Ebay Site

Since a coupel of days i am facing sever problems witht he site. THe error message like Some of your information is not available at this time. Please try again later. keeps coming up every now and then. Page Cannot be found and other error messages ...

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Order Tracking System

Hi Ebay India: Is there an order tracking system in place already that I'm missing ? If there is, please tell me about it and ignore the remainder of this email message. If not, I think one needs to be introduced ASAP. After our online payments have ...

Unscrupulous seller

Bought MP3 player (Item no. 5852055563) of Chinese make from seller 'Jillionline'. First time it played for less than 24 hrs and the space available shruck from 1GB to 500mb. We contacted the lady and she promised to repair it, saying that it was a f...

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Attention: eBay Team World over

To the attention of all the following: Pierre Omidyar, Founder, eBay Executive Team Beth Axelrod, Senior Vice President, Human Resources Matt Bannick, President, eBay International William C. Cobb, President, eBay North America John Donahoe, Presiden...

U say No longer registered seller- but he is!!

I had a very bad experience transacting with the seller, japanese_mall. I had ordered for a Sony Ericsson Memory card(# 7567878057) , which the seller sent a month after ordering. When i found that its not compatible with my phone, the seller agreed ...

Urgent intervention of E Bay

As mentioned before Ia hve bought a camera from e bay - 2 Mega Pixels Digital + Video + Web Camera , Seller- India_Shopping_plaza item No: 7601189328 The purchase was made on 23rd March..i have put my dispute that till today I ahve nt recd the camera...

Member Spotlight- please add profile links

Hi Sapana, I think it will be better if you can put the links to the profiles of each Members on Spotlight. Presently if someone wants to know more about the selling and buying of the Members on Spotlight then he/ she has to go via Search option. The...

Buyers Need Attention

Ebay is usually a good way to buy and sell items. As long as as you are dealing with honest, hard-working people, it's a wonderful place. Once you get into trouble, though, there is really no place for a buyer in this world. Examples of this are nume...

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