Firstly my apologies for the delayed response. Not sure how i missed out on this tread for so long ๐
snrama -
On the view order page, the page was cleaned up to reflect only relevant information. Earlier there was just too much information on the page, too many links and the use was minimum. Like user ashasherin mentioned, the intent is to make it simpler. however. before removing the links, the team tested the usage, and since the usage was low, they removed the links.
hotdealz.in -
You dont need to go back to the item page to mark payment received. You may perform that activity from the My eBay action buttons itself. This will take care of the issue of makring payment received from combined purchases.
I understand that for some of you the change in order detail page will mean changing the way you were earlier working. The intent was to make the page simpler for use. My apologies for any inconvenience casued to you. However, I will request your cooperation in the same.
skygiftworldwide -
I am not sure if I have understood your concern right. In the My eBay 'sold item' action buttons, the relist button is still there. The link that has been removed is sell similar item button in the old view payment details page. In case you are facing issues with relist button in My eBay page, please send a screen shot to your account manager for investigfation and appropriate action.
As I mentioned earlier, the relist button is as it was. Will request you to send the relevant screenshot to your account manager to help them investigate this matter.
ashasherin -
You will need to file for a Un paid item dispute. You may follow the following process for the same: http://pages.ebay.in/help/tp/unpaid-item-process.html. In case there are any issues, write to billing team at this link to help you - http://pages.ebay.in/help/contact_us/_base/index_3.html?item=&topic=index_3&continue=Continue+%3E