When bidding an expensive item, for example Mobile phones, iPod, Jewelry etc... please check the warranty they offer and seller reputation from feedback. Everyone has a wish to buy for cheaper price, fake sellers are making use of this opportunity and they offer a very good branded phone/iPod for 50% discount to get the what ever possible money and run away.
(Why not eBay check the identity proof like Passport, Credit card, etc if some one sell item priced above Rs.1000 for example.)
Please look for PowerSeller Logo next to seller before you buy a expensive item.
If you use PaisaPay you have 100% protection on your payment. You can definitely claim the amount paid though it is little bit late. Use Item not received dispute, if the seller does not reply about your shipping delay.
Good luck next time. Next time when you buy, don't forget to see Power Seller logo next to user id in eBay.