I purchased an item entering NOTOUT0001 code under Ebay noutout contest. No when I check score it says Invalid Ebay User id/ Transaction ID.
Contacted customer support they told me link is not working and I am very surprised they can not get it to work in 1 week time. They do advertisements in TV and represent themselves as international e-commerce giant and when it comes to maintaining a simple page that a junior web developer can fix in 5 minutes they take weeks to do it.
Also there is no link to redeem gift after end of contest. It was my first experience with ebay and it was really stupid.
Has anyone recieved any gift from Ebay NotOut contest? I have been reading previous posts where buyers claiming they didnt get their gifts. Some claimed they got one. Its my first transaction on ebay.
Lets see how it goes. If anyone gets gifts please post here.