First learn how the community court works then comment on the issue, don't show your ignorance. Read the comm court rules.
For all those who are unhappy with the comm court, let me tell you all a few things about it.
1. ebay is the only place where you have a comm court where at least you can voice your views, on no other online portal this type of facility exists.
2. I am a jury member for a long time, in most of the cases the buyers do not respond to the comm court case, they can spend hrs here in the forum bad mouthing the comm court but why you cannot spend 5 mins to write your answer in comm court I cannot comprehend.
3. Most of the buyers, almost 80% and more use the feedback system as a way of communicating with the buyer and so comm court cases become useless once the buyer resolves the issue. It is ebay responsibility to educate the buyers in these matters but ebay shrugs off its responsibility.
4. Finally, if buyers are unhappy with the comm court then they are free to go some place else and shop, anyway comm court is for seller grievance so don't crib about it.