Buyer protection – 100% Seller Protection – 0%

Community Member
Ebay has become totally Buyer Protective and We seller have no ways to defend/protect ourselves.

A buyer is protected (& these days misusing the following to his Fullest Content)
- Give Us Negative
- Give us Positive & still give us Low DSR. NOT give Good ***** Rating
- Open an Dispute at Ebay
- Open a Dispute at Paypal
- Charge Us back at Paypal/ Paisapay

Any Combination of 2-3 will help you run out of Business build over years.

And what Protection Does the Seller have?? ?:|
Can Somebody Share his/her Seller Protection Experience, if Any ?

With Best Wishes
Ambesh Khanna
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Buyer protection – 100% Seller Protection – 0%

Community Member
I See All Sellers Skepxorts/Omiks/ SuratDiamond/Bberyhouse all have Shown their Frustration and inefficiency of the system.

AND not Even one has shared their perspective of SELLER protection tools of experiences. ARE there NONE WHAT SO EVER SELLER PROTECTION tools !

All Sellers points to same points...
-PEOPLE SITTING and formulating polices doesnt under the INDIAN Scenario of Business.

ebay is constantly looking into bring New Sellers..

BUT what about the retention & Business of sellers who have dedicated almost decade of selling time on ebay and with 100% feedback

Is this the business partnership which ebay promises !
Message 11 of 25
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Buyer protection – 100% Seller Protection – 0%

Today is excatly 1 month(15-03-2011) that for one particular case I have sent 4 emails to "seller protection" but there is no acknowledgement from them of having even received my mail, forget the the protection part of it. The same mails were cc'ed to Mr V. Kashyap also but even he did not care to reply or get someone to contact me in the least. I got this to the notice of ebay CC(I have the agents name and complaint nos) and the height is that the agent tells me that the email address "" which is given on the ebay website is incorrect and the mail should actually be sent to "", again I have sent seller protection mail to this new address, cc'ed to Mr. V. Kashyap and also to my account manager but the result is A BIG ZERO, NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. THIS IS THE STATE OF AFFAIRS AND EBAY's TREATMENT TO A SELLER WHO IS WITH EBAY FOR 11 YEARS.....GOOD.
Message 12 of 25
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Buyer protection – 100% Seller Protection – 0%

Ebay Is Thinking About Scrapphing Big Shots!!! Its seems some Game Plan. Something Mysterious Going Behind scenes. How come all big players are targetted one by one. Is it really DSR issue!!! i wonder!!! We sellers are the bread & butter of & i really don;t understand why they are preparing themselves for the Disaster to happen. not only we will lose business, ebay india wuld too be at loss. Business in today's world is done for mutual gain/profit which ebay india is against these days. wuld any of the respected heads take/implement some real solution to this. Its high time that someone take real action. only discussions/assurances won;t be useful!!

puneet kripalani
Message 13 of 25
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Buyer protection – 100% Seller Protection – 0%

Community Member
sandmanviper, why dont you post the latest thing that you received the item..... we dont say one thing and do the other. we are very busy with taking care of people leaving negative and neutrals for no damn reason.

your case was a genuine one and we were the ones who accepted the fault and shipped the item to you.

ebay is all non sense with buyers leaving negative and neutrals for no damn reason, what the hell, we are not here to do free public service.

a buyer gave me negative coz i didnt reply to his email within 2 hours and he says seller communication bad even after he received the item. what bullshit???

I am receiving neutrals and negative from people with 0 or 1 rating who dont even know what they are doing. someone gave me a neutral because i shipped through dtdc and what the hell, he didnt say anything about shipping till he gave feedback and post a comment - dont send thrgh dtdc they are late always. whats the sellers mistake in that???

this feedback system is crap and non efficient. why are buyers allowed to post feedbacks such as shipment took time coz of courier mistake or anything related to shipment getting delayed or not reaching at proper address. we are not the ones delivering goods. dtdc is good and im using it, shipping my items within 3-4 days is a good time frame.

why can a buyer post negative and say shipping took 3 days more. what sense does this make and why do we get affected by it????? if you stay in a village, damn you , it will get late. buyers dont evcen bother to call their local courier office to check for their item and straight give a negative. and then we realise that their door was shut 2 times when the person came to deliver.

ebay get your act right. we are sellers not beggars and not your servants.

we pay you fees and you are alive because of that.

just recenmtly someone posted a comment on a usb hub i provided them with, the package says usb 2 and he comments selelr is a fraud, item is usb 1. why do these buyers understand things before they post, why do we need to call them and beg them for reversal or anything. i mean i wrote the description what is there on the pack. i dont make these in my house.
Message 14 of 25
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Buyer protection – 100% Seller Protection – 0% attitude is changing day by day, it will become more & more difficult for sellers to survive on ebay as its changing and going fully towards buyers side, and buyer are also getting aware of the policies and taking advantages, not only this, even the CC are telling buyers to open claim without contacting to sellers & telling them to mark item not as received, and the next day they will call us to confirm the refund, as per rule we have 5 days time but the CC are not ready to wait & want to give refund to buyer at the earliest.

I think we all sellers should have unity then only we can make ebay to think about it that what seller is facing in together, because ebay people think like a buyer and they want buyers to be happy but they don't know that the indian buyer's expectations are too high.

It looks like in coming time its gonna be damn difficult to survive on ebay. They need to immediately bring some programs for sellers too in which buyers can't take advantage & more good training should be given to the CC so that they don't tell buyers to directly open claim without contacting to seller.

And seller should not be responsible for late delivery or non delivery or RTO due to courier company. We seller are not the delivery boy who will go and deliver to buyer's house. Seller should only be responsible to ship the item quickly. Ebay should start its tieup with courier and look after the logistic & take this headache from seller, as we seller have many more headache selling on ebay.

Message 15 of 25
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Buyer protection – 100% Seller Protection – 0%

Community Member
I had put a post asking Sellers to Share any Seller protection program if any. NOT even one of us could come out with a Seller protection example.

After reading to all the mails.
Let me ask, Does it make sense
a) to have people employed indirectly/directly with u : When a nonPaying buyer can GIVE U Negative and bRING your DSR down and turn u out of business... And what u have is deaf American system of rating

b) To invest LAKHS AND LAKHS of RS.. for ebay Inventory (for product which only have ebay cycle, u cannt sell them in local market) :
When u know u can run out of BUSINESS by 3 UN-Warranted feedback or lower DSR in a months time.. Ignoring a seller reputation of 100% positive feedback maintained since past 7 YEAR plus

c) To RELY TOTALLY ON EBAY AND BE out of Business After 7 year PLUS long time of High Selling Standards : Coz a buyer(Were we all believe everybody is good But everybdy doest mean ALL) has given a u negative ratings or has power of NEGATIVE RATING/ PAYPAL DISPUTE/ EBAY DISPUTE /CHARGE BACK TO FLEECE DISCOUNT FROM U ..

d) TO SELL DIAMOND JEWELERY IN INDIA THRU NET.. : WHEN THERE IS NOT A SINGLE SHIPPING AGENCY TO HANDLE SHIPPING FOR DIAMOND JEWLERY : And take all losses of Delay , Free shipping and low DSR and still maintain a High business Standard..

e) to sell internationally Accept FOREIGN CURRENCY...WHEN u dont have paypal directly linked to you Account.. AND be not covered for ILF SALES in INDIAN CURRENCY under any Protection


a Frustrated Seasoned Seller
Ambesh Khanna 😞
Message 16 of 25
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Buyer protection – 100% Seller Protection – 0%

Community Member
I am also agree with opinion of (estatejewelles). I am new new selling line. during the small period I h've facing lot of problem from buyers. some buyers as increasing the bid amount, but when they are win, then the buyers are silence, no response our emails. how could we solve these type of problems? anybody solve this problem? pl. give some idea.
Message 17 of 25
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Buyer protection – 100% Seller Protection – 0%

Community Member
on buyer's complain seller's account was restriction but when seller give UPI- then never block buyer's account. don't know why eBay do this. i was sell on eBay last 4 yr and eBay never block buyer's account on seller's UPI. and also if we not close UPI in 30 days then we never received FVF.
Mr. Dinesh Sutariya,
Shanti Jewel,
Message 18 of 25
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Buyer protection – 100% Seller Protection – 0%

Community Member
I am fully agree with this.
Message 19 of 25
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Buyer protection – 100% Seller Protection – 0%

I also agree that nowadays ebay india is not good for sellers, Thats why all sellers are looking for options.

I am still waiting for my pending issues which are still to be finalized by the eBay personals ( Account Manager / category Manager and some others )
Message 20 of 25
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