Ebay has become totally Buyer Protective and We seller have no ways to defend/protect ourselves.
A buyer is protected (& these days misusing the following to his Fullest Content)
- Give Us Negative
- Give us Positive & still give us Low DSR. NOT give Good ***** Rating
- Open an Dispute at Ebay
- Open a Dispute at Paypal
- Charge Us back at Paypal/ Paisapay
Any Combination of 2-3 will help you run out of Business build over years.
And what Protection Does the Seller have?? ?:|
Can Somebody Share his/her Seller Protection Experience, if Any ?
What do you mean defend yourself? here Im stuck with a seller who refuses to ship my item!
I ordered 2 items seller shipped only 1.
I have called him 2 times, on the phone he promised to ship the second item the same day.. ITs been 3 days and he hasnt done it yet. And now he refuses to pickup my calls.
So what should I do with such a seller? give him positive feedback and say that he is the best? Think, why do buyers give negative feedback , because of sellers who dont stick to their commitment.
well dis is true. i m also a seller on ebay and i have also faced loss due to no protection for sellers. sellers dont have any protection plans. and there r simply two reasons for it which ebay tell.
1. If there r no buyers , then whts worth being a seller on ebay.
2. when there is profit in business , sometimes we have to face loss also.
HI I understand your situation. I am not saying all Seller and all buyers are right or wrong
. IF somebody is at fault than he should be penalized. IT should be at equal level. NOT biased towards one Side. !
Ebay has very sound tool to fight against this kind of behavior. AND i am sure your case will be resolved with ebays help.
We have been selling since past 7 years plus. AND we are getting Extorted by the above polices. We have no tool to justify our point or fight our point.
I do agree with Khanna jewels, even after 9 years of business, what we seller get is hospitalisation. So much stress everyday to maintain DSR & sales. I;ve the Angiography report of Ganga Ram Hospital with 25% blockage & i was admitted 3 days for that. now on medicines 6 morning & 6 evening. what a life..at ebay..
puneet kripalani
HI After reading Skepxorts Mail. AND my personal experiences of stress bouts and exhaustion; I think ebay should add a Tag line for Seller.
It is so sad that I a seller of 7 years with 4 companies ..Skexports a seller of 9 yrs with almost 4-5companies..feel the same frustration of selling on Ebay.
I agree that some of you are genuine sellers and that some buyers have troubled and taken advantage of you guys via the refund system.
But you should understand that for every 1 genuine seller on ebay there are 5 fake ones who are here just to con and scam buyers.
Me and my family have been buying on ebay for the last 3-4 years. I have bought laptops and phones without any trouble thanks to the good sellers like yourself Ambesh.
But my latest transaction with this seller
turned out to be the worst esperience!
He promises one thing on the phone and does nothing when it comes to delivering my item. Now Im left with no choice but to raise a claim and leave a negative feedback.
I have to keep following up with the seller about my item and somehow make him pick up my call. This is too much trouble. I could have gone to the local market and bought it directly. Would have saved me all this trouble.
Im sorry for post here Ambesh but Im really fedup. And thanks to my latest experience I think Im going to stop buying on ebay. 😞
yes i agree with khanna that thr is not any protection for seller. I think make unity by Indian seller for fight or get any solution to protect our rights.
ebay india has no powers to justify only power to speak
talk policy and 😄 after long communication .only some good word given nothing in solution. some unpractical situation and no view of justification. selle always on hosptalisation with help of ebay policy and paypal justification in foreign country you can read some truth in foreign country
belwo artical from online news sources read from below link
I See All Sellers Skepxorts/Omiks/ SuratDiamond/Bberyhouse all have Shown their Frustration and inefficiency of the system.
AND not Even one has shared their perspective of SELLER protection tools of experiences. ARE there NONE WHAT SO EVER SELLER PROTECTION tools !
All Sellers points to same points...
-PEOPLE SITTING and formulating polices doesnt under the INDIAN Scenario of Business.
ebay is constantly looking into bring New Sellers..
BUT what about the retention & Business of sellers who have dedicated almost decade of selling time on ebay and with 100% feedback
Is this the business partnership which ebay promises !