Lets learn from each other's expertise

Community Member
Dear All,


Lets Learn from each other's expertise.
I am starting this thread where contributions from everybody is expected.
May it be the Champions of Baazee ERA OR the New Comers.
Helpful ebay Staff members too are requested to show their presence.

The purpose of this thread is to put forward your expertise / knowledge which you think would be helpful to other members.

It may be Tips .....which may help in Selling better.

It may be pointing out..... the best Courier Company for National Selling.

It may be the best email service available.

It may be something related to Computers, Windows, Anti-virus, Ad-ware, spy-ware.

It may be something which others shouldn't do .....unknowingly.

Anything which you think would be helpful to others.

Just don't think that a particular TIP is quite common ....there may be someone who might be benefitted out of that.


I am giving you a small TIP ......many of you must be aware of this. But I still feel that there may be few who are un-aware of this.....

For All those who are using Windows XP and find that the system takes too long to BOOT UP.
Also, when you shut down ....the system takes time.
This may be due to many Items place in the start up.
That is..... many icons placed at the right hand bottom........ near the clock.
Icons of skype, Blinking net connection, webshots, Anti-virus, Bit meter, fax, MSN messanger...etc etc..
This slows down the machine quite a lot.
There may be many, who have higher configuration with higher RAM, but still the TIP may be useful.

Just HIBERNATE the system while closing.
For this.... Click start
Click...Turn off Computer.
Press SHIFT.
The Standby button would change to Hibernate.
Keeping the shift pressed ...left click HIBERNATE.

This will save your current desktop state to your hard disk so that you can resume where you left off, than shuts down your computer.




customer king signature 50x220

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 1 of 280
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279 REPLIES 279

Lets learn from each other's expertise

Hello indconcepts,
This is about private. Not just a private id for posting only. That is something ,you may say,personal taste. He will write and nobody can real identify the real man. I have this theory about that private concept. I have noticed that some are pvt despite having very good FB. I feel,they just want to keep their connexions, buyrs or sellers ,secret. It has certain + points. Businesswise ofcourse.
Message 31 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Community Member
Dear Amitava,

Yes, I have noticed that inspite of 100% feedback some Sellers keep their ID private.

Thats because they don't want others to know what they are Selling.

But I feel that Buyers feel more confident when the are able to see the complete profile of the Seller..... including the Items sold.

Umang Midha .

IndConcepts logo7



best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 32 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Hi indconcepts,
Can you help me solve this?I log in to myebay.Then I see a blank pop up -Message from eBay.It is just blank.I tried customising .It wont show anything.I see MESSAGE FROM EBAY with no message.I just dont know what to do.There may be important message.I may be missing them.Please do something.
Message 33 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Community Member
Hello Amitava,

Does the bottom of the page show you ....

If you do not wish to see promotional and educational pages like this, change your Notification Preferences.

I think there is no message at present from ebay and thats why its blank.

There must be a Continue to your Original destination Button.

Just continue and don't worry.

These are just promotional messages and if there is something important them ebay would contact you in your Mail Box or in My Messages.


Umang Midha .

IndConcepts logo7



best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 34 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Hi indconcepts,
I dont know if you have faced this.An international buyer has requested me not to give FB.The reason is he wants to resell and does not want his buyers to know the price at which he purchased.I am writing this because it may be an useful tip for those who resell.May be I dont know.What do you think?
Message 35 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Community Member

Normally when there is a deal like this ....the Seller makes the Item..... PRIVATE LISTING.

In the Turbo Lister you have the Option to tick a box for making it Private Listing.

After that even if you exchange a FeedBack the Item won't be visible to the Public.


Umang Midha .

IndConcepts logo7



best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 36 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

hello everybody ,

i have a problem regarding paypal ,i m not varify in paypal,as i dont have credit card .

In this board somebody informing that HDFC bank can give a netsafe card , which gives facelity in debitcard / new credit card. i dont know more about it .

will that netsafe card able to be varified in paypal account ?

which account is proper to indian seller personal or premier ?

Message 37 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Expertise I have found Superb Antivirus and it is KASPERSKY ANTIVIRUS I am using since 3 months but it is Full proof better than any Lenghty and resourcefull Antivirus. But Please please be sure to uninstall any existing Anitvirus before installing KASPERSKY.

It is Only 10 MB PROGRAM but works Very very robust than any other Anti virus.

www.kaspersky.com Best Regards,
Best Regards,
Message 38 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Community Member
Hello vims_art ,

You need a Plastic Credit card for getting verified at PayPal.

You might not be able to get verified through the HDFC NetSafe Card. This is because the NetSafe Card is meant for single use and expires after 48 hours.

The verification process of PayPal involves charging a small amount to your cards and a code is provided in your Credit Card statment. This code can also be received over phone from your CC's Customer Care department.

If your online selling is a serious business then I would suggest you go in for Premier Accouint.

In Permier Account you can accept payments from your Buyers through Debit and Credit Card but you are charged 1.9% to 2.9% + $0.30 USD for receiving funds.


indconcepts .

IndConcepts logo7



best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 39 of 280
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Lets learn from each other's expertise

Hi indconcepts,
What is the policy of eBay towards members having their own website?
I conceived my store as a showcase,but it turned out a bread winner.But I want a fixed showcase to list and describe my collections, kinda meeting place for pple.No premium account.No facility for credit card payment.
Something sort of harmless page ,a meeting place.It may not be stones only.Selling I shall do from my eBay store.
You may think I have gone crazy.Spending 10000 bucks for hobby!
But ,you see,ideas sell.Not the goods.May be a crazy idea also will have a buyer.What do you think?
Message 40 of 280
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