i phone is duplicate

Community Member

i am prince,i have a complaint against Iphone which i bought through the ebay site from eforindia in last week,i recieved item yesterday and i check the item,i found something wrong .problem is that when i press volume increasing switch phone will be shown volume down and display is like as blur image and sometime phone dont get network connection also ,iam not satisfied on their prodect and kindly replace with new one or refund my cash.
invoice no - eforindia05804
invoice date - 06.06.2015
iphone part no -iphone 4s (ABA005W)

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Re: i phone is duplicate

Community Member
Dear team i purchase apple 4 s but it not good product ....like i mean to say that it's only one days old but not working only showing on display **bleep**ting language .....not able to switch off,or oN....so please team help me 8802091415
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