eBay customer service = saas-bahu
See some examples below
I am struggling to process my refund via Ebay, I had purchase one time for which I received damaged item and had returned back to the seller and had a word with seller he said that they are ready to refund the amount but through ebay and I need to open a case. I had opened a case in EBAY case reference number is 57001, post which I have called thrice to the customer service toll free but everytime I receive a same answer that I will receive a call from EBAY in next 48 hrs and the refund will be processed, I am highly dissatisfied with the EBAY customer service and same was not expected by EBAY that such a big company and the processes are so weak that it takes 12 days to process the refund.
This means when I purchase from ebay i have to be prepared and take out time to fight with ebay, today also I have purchased one more item and I think I have done a mistake by relying on ebay processes, it seems like that.
Harish Hasrajani
I always have problems dealing with customer care of Ebay and account managers specially who actually have no time to resolve your issues.I keep calling them on their numbers and the only reaction they show is NO CARE.
i am also struglling to get refund my money, my gareuntee claim id is 56695 dtd 8-8-11, i have purchase an item which was not as per description so i returned and talk to seller and he comitted me to help me to get refund my money but after that neither seller does pickup my phone nor reply my messege so i filed a case in ebay for gurantee claim but after filing 20 days haved been passed out and 30 days have been passed out from sale date neither ebay customar care solve my problem nor i got my money, i have contacted customer care several times all that they say that they are looking after the case and will call back within 48 hours. i think i am got cheated by ebay, and i will wait for another 7 days after that i will take help of consumer forum against ebay.....