@ huzena- I guess you understand only the language you speak. So be it. And Please dont blame me now as you have asked for it.
"Aha, what sellers are doing over here that i can very well see."- You have a single feedback and you are yet to see a lot on eBay market place. I am not God nor are you. In community court everyone is watching what you are posting
1- "hello mr. linusstudios whatever u r, what the hell u r trying to say here haan?"
2-"u should learn manners first rather than posting stupidity over here. "
Its very easy to loose temper if you are read head, take a cube of ice and I sincerely hope it will cool. Negative feedbacks do not resolve issue. Hardly one month into eBay and you have started seeing things, something is surely wrong.
"and u have heard only seller's appeal not mine, i had never complained about the color. i had got a wrong item cant u understand simple english over here? "-
Its you who understands not only english but also rough and crude english. What I was saying was that you did not put forward your problem in a positive manner while appealing the feedback revision in CC. But who is not knowing the values of feedbacks , cant really understand the feedback appeal , and answer to that. So I guess I was banging my head against a stone.
"and if u r boasting so much about the ur selling practices, then call the seller also here, and ask him what he had agreed to do after sending the wrong item."-
Who cares, You did your best by leaving seller negative feedback. As you used your "Simple English" which you are spitting everywhere on this board. He got it removed. So its you who looses at the end. Remember if you spit to sky it falls on your head.
"Do not comment on my language or my modesty. I would really not appreciate someone who doesnt have manners talkign like this to me. "-
And I am not having manner. You can kill someone and burn him alive. and when someone replies to you he cannot comment. Lets not talk about manners as I dont want to be judgmental about you.
My intentions were of helping you so that in future u could avoid such incident. But we all the tale of the tail. So be it.
Please do not expect my any further comments/replies on this thread now.