Where Are The Buyers?? No Sale For Last 5 Days!!


Is it me or everyone..? I have not sold even a single item on eBay for last 5-6 days?

Now I am really scared, we do not have enough sales to cover the eBay fees and with the proposed increase in eBay will bring us in red.

Where should small sellers / home operated shops go?
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Where Are The Buyers?? No Sale For Last 5 Days!!


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Message 11 of 15
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Where Are The Buyers?? No Sale For Last 5 Days!!

There is some issue with the payment gateway AGAIN. Most of the sales orders I have received in the past 2-3 days have "payment pending approval" so its clear that AGAIN there is some problem with the payment portal of ebay. Nothing new in this I say....
Message 12 of 15
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Where Are The Buyers?? No Sale For Last 5 Days!!

There is always a lul in the middle of the month now; atleast for a week or two.. I am finding it hard to cover my new increased eBay cost. Now Seriously thinking of moving out. ๐Ÿ˜ž
Message 13 of 15
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Where Are The Buyers?? No Sale For Last 5 Days!!

Community Member
I don't know it is because of the economic recession or because of the incremented prices of the commodities, but whatever it is , it is hurting the sales and we sellers have to live with it. Don't worry it is the nature of the business sometimes high some times low. My father deals in Drapes and these days he is having low sales volumes too and u know big wholesale markets like Chandni Chowk are having a bad time too:-(
Nothing to worry, I think sales will go up in the next month or in October, till then we have to wait and watch patiently.
I m having low sales too. in normal days we sell 25 to 30 items per day, these days we r selling 3 to 4 ๐Ÿ˜‰
Message 14 of 15
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Where Are The Buyers?? No Sale For Last 5 Days!!

Sales are low due to a lot of religious festivals in August such as Ramzaan,Rasksha Bandhan,Parsi new year.People are busy in these festivals.
Message 15 of 15
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