Useless community court

Community Member
Dear Members,
I have appealed in community court regarding of not receiveing the item as listed in ebay site. Here under are the outcome of community court. till date i have not received any response or feedack, whether I will get my remaining items which i have purchased from the seller. for this i have given a seller negative feedback and the court has annouced the decission in favour of seller. Now the seller is saying when i will get it from the company from where i purchased then only i will be able to provide you. I have purchased an item no.150449791945(NEW MICROMAX Q7 DUAL SIM CAMERA, WIFI,BT - Lowest Price) on dated 7th June'2010 and till date i have not recieved the software CD and Leather Pouch/ Case which is included in the above listing.

I think all sellers are the jury of these community court.

dateThu, Jul 29, 2010 at 3:14 AM
subjectCommunity Court Appeal

Hi ravi_sonali,

Item Number: 150449791945

Feedback Content: Seller not shipped the case & software cd as per listing item no.150449791945

The Community Court has decided that the feedback for this transaction should be removed with a majority of 51% of the votes.

eBay TnS will be acting on this outcome shortly.

Thank you for your participation.

The Community Court
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Useless community court

Community Member
yes even i have dat impression dat courts are run by sellers demselves as minimum requirement to be in jury is atleast 6 months membership and 10 transanction.

des things lead to only sellers being in the majority.

i my case i had bought a NOKIa BH214 bluetooth headset on 25th on july.when i recieved the device , the headfone was fake.i can give an AFFIDAVIT for seller ONESTOPJUPITER claimed dat since its and imported and an OEM product so design chnage. i asked him why isnt noki mentioned on the headfone to dat he said nokia products in hongkong dont have dat. well we all know nokia has one product for entire world.

now he as appeal to my feedback and its pretty clear dat he'll get away with dis.e even said dat negative feedback cant be of any problem to him.
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Useless community court

Community Member
yes, in we need equal numbers of buyers and sellers in every Hearing, and one person should be independent ,he can be from ebay , EBAY SHOULD DEFEND BUYERS RIGHTS
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Useless community court

Community Member
yes i feel there shud be equal representation of buyers and sellers! Also i wanna ask wheres all the big sellers disappered? like bigshoebazaar and so many others!! They have 0 listings man!
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Useless community court
Community Member
What is eBAY COURT? sUPPROTING TO 420 Seller and depriving the buyer?

See the My case TRANscript:

This is crystal clear case of 406 & 420 with me by seller - Priti_diamonds. eBAY also unable to do justification with me after their circulation of appeal order in my favour. I would like to alert the buyers from a frudulent seller i.e PRITI_DIAMONDS

1. I puchased an item through BID ITEM NO: A Stunning Real Diamond 0.08Cts Ring@Free Shipping ( 270606061557)ON 19/07/2010.
2. A demand draft of purchased value sent to seller on 23/07/2010 THROUGH speed post: EW551381077IN as suggested by seller to me.
3. Indian post department confirmed the delivery of demand draft to seller on 27/07/2010. ANYONE CAN CHECK THE DELIVERY PROOF AT through spend no: EW551381077IN
4. I opend a case for no-receipt of item on 29/07/2010.
5. Atfer vigirous followup, Seller issued acknowledgement of receipt of demand draft on 30/07/2010 as per seller transcript below.
priti_diamonds 30-Jul-2010 at 12:35:26 IST
yes its take time when you send us that time you have to inform us we receive today only..
6. on 1/8/2010, the seller denied receipt of payment upon their confirmation recipt of demand draft on 30/07/2010. Transcript of statement:
priti_diamonds 01-Aug-2010 at 17:46:04 IST
we didn't receive a payment...

7. Mischivious motive: on 01/08/2010 Seller open a UPI case after receipt of payment 0n 27/07/2010 and confirmed the receipt of payment by seller on 30/07/2010.

8. Seller again acknowledged the receipt of payment on 02/08/2010. Confirmation transcript given below:
priti_diamonds 02-Aug-2010 at 12:36:18 IST
i got the dd but i didn't deposit in to bank if you want product product so close the case that i ll
dispatch the product or i ll resend the dd.
because in description we mention that we will dispatch
the product in working 4 days.

9. AFter that seller continiously threatened me to first close the case otherwise i will not ship the item. totaly unfair. Emails tanscrupt with me. i am posing only one for review:
priti_diamonds 02-Aug-2010 at 17:42:50 IST
close the dispute first..

10. Seller another misleading statement on 4/8/2010. Transcript below:
priti_diamonds 04-Aug-2010 at 07:23:34 IST
DD is not proper so we send us back to you....

10. Seller keep threating me till 6/08/2010 for close the case. Finally i closed the case with my remark trasncript as follow:
Case Closed
Final Comments: Madam

You are just sitting ideal to reciive the payment. Note you have already acknowldged the
receipt of payment on 30/07/2010 and 02/08/2010. The actual payment receipt date is 27/07/2010 as per
indiam postal department conformation. I have all the proof.

Since than yiou did not ship the item?
Let me know what is my fault? Why should i close the case when i have not received the item?

is clear crystal cheating with me.

11. my appeal against the FRUDULENT UPI case ebay fixed seller guity for delaying the process and removed UPI strike from the item.

12. Strange till date i have not received item nor refunf from this seller.

13. Then on feedback section i left as: sller had taken payment. did not ship the item. 420 Seller.

14. Agian seller responsed to feedback on 08/08/2010 payment not received. eBAY also not taken any action against the seller. When eBAY theirself fix this seller guilty for their wrong act with buyer.

Just evaluate the prictice of seller and also eBAY action. The question remain for discussion as follows:
1. Should eBAY allow this seller to sell their product at eBAY.
2. Is not eBAY very much suppotive to seller?
3. Is ebay really vallues BUYER Concerns?
4. How eBAY can protect BUYER from thsi type of frudulent seller.

Be care ful from PRITI_DIAMONDS, this one is frudulent seller.

ALERT FEEDBACK from all BUYERS Community be careful from this seller.

May i will be resricted by eBAY because eBAY is helpless to justify with the buyer concerns. eBAY is only concern for seller not for th buyer, it seems and i can conclude this with my litte period of experience.

One such type of trade is more accountable to nvitimise the trade affairs against 100000 fair trade. This type of seller is concern for us as well as an obstacle in growth of nation. It is not that i was cheated by this seller. Tomorrow, you will be next victim. be careful. RATAN.TRADE
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Useless community court

Community Member
Well if you all eBayers have minimum requirements to fulfill why dont you join the jury yourself instead of cribbing for the system from outside.

Well in india we are trained to throw stones, at governments and all institutions, but when the case of joining up the institution comes up , which is free for all , no joining fees, 99 percent make a u-turn and enjoy it from outside, why dont you fellas get a ticket to become jury its not that difficult , do check the minimum requirements which is not in terms of money but plain ebaying experience, as they require experienced and professional ebayers.

Same is with the american courts where jury are appointed or judges in india, you require experience and thorough knowlede of the field, otherwise how will you able to judge if you donot know the rules.

Please whomsoever feel the community court is not just, they also are free to join in to change the system as they wish, please mark its free for all, just minimum ebaying experience is required.
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Useless community court

Community Member
@ravi_sonali the above advise is not for you, but i have been witnessing a band of buyers , self claimed only torch bearers of justice, and messiah of buyers, posting the same post in umpteen places, thus have asked them to do the needful, instead of allowing the other ebay members to help you solve your case, they start posting the same thing at multiple posts and spaming, the admin should remove the post, but guess ebay has the policy of keeping the market place forum democratic, but spaming is again infringing on someone elses democracy, mods/admins please remove spam posts, so we can help genuine users with their complains.
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Useless community court

Community Member
who you referring to@ berrynxt4u please clarify
Message 8 of 12
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Useless community court

Community Member
we living in a democratic country , every one have right to express there feelings , we are not stooping any seller from expressing his and her view , sorry we don't need any dictator here this a community board you cant stop anyone from expressing views,we buyers knows the meaning of spam, i knows many buyers posts there problems again and again , but we are human ,we Indian are emotional, i can feel there pain of losing hard earned money , be sympathetic to them
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Useless community court

Community Member
@anandxyz well sir, as i have advised before its for spammers you may refer to it again, so atleast we can understand the real reason of individual buyers and as a community help individually each one, spamming literally mars the real intensity of any post,it feels like a pubilicty stunt or a mud-slinging campaign and not a buyer in distress, Also you might have heard the story of " the boy who cried the wolf" once its ok everyone will take seriously and has its own intensity, everywhere if you keep on doing this, the real distressed buyer is out of topic.

And the spammer takes away entire essence by posting it everywhere, democracy means not to infringe to curtail others democracy, i have right to shout but not at the expense of disturbing my neighbours and my society and not putting loud music at night when everybody is at peace, i hope you can evaluate from this the tru meaning of democracy, respect everyones democracy.
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