Hey , I am a new user and a seller on ebay. most of the sellers on e bay are not genuine who bid for a product and then make issues for not buying. So is the case with me.most of the people have defaulted on my account and e bay has not allowed me to make new listing because the they show a outstanding in my account.
One of the buyer is no longer an ebay user still that amount shows on my acoounts outstanding. all the out standing payments have been reported to e bay but they take a very long time to give credits for those disputed items.
how do they determine how much credit should be given to whom?
Being a new user i still dont have any positive rating as the couple of products i sold on e bay thoses buyers havnt given any rating at all.
The worst is its too hard to contact e bay and expect and reply from them. it takes long for any replys whatsoever.
Can i get a feedback on how i can come out of this mess.