Suggestion for additional features

Community Member

In my recent auction #6415009351, my auction was again scammed by a "nigerian" bidder. While I understand that I can use your dispute console to address this issue, I request you to either kick out or block this bidder: ibrahim_gene

I am enclosing below a synopsis of the email I received from him:

=== start
how are you doing today? i recieved your mail about the goods i bought from
your store,i just want to send the goods to my friend as a from in
india, my is ibrahim gene.
so what i need from you, is that i want you to send the goods to my friend
house in beguim and calculate all the money you use i will pay you througth
western union auction payments bidpay online.
waiting hear from you
and my regrads to you
=== end

To prevent such problems (this is the 3rd time I am facing this problem), can you please put an option for sellers which will block bidders who are new (or below a certain number of days old)?

This can be an additional option.

Please consider this point.

Best regards,
seller "priyasens"
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Suggestion for additional features

Community Member
i remeber in Baazee we used to have an option in every listing page to complain about item/seller. I don't find it anwhere now.
Also there used to be options like wrong category listing, multiple listings, high cost of trasporting etc ..
I owuld like to have atleast to have a link so that ican directly launch a complain from the selling/lisiting page. It brings in more transparency,
Plz do that it was in baazee..
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Suggestion for additional features

Community Member

ebay need some function which baaze have they did not...
shipment charges never add automaticaly it is done by manual which leads that buyer forget to add and you only received the payment of item only....

2nd shipment charges are in template format so u can choose it for different item...

3rd because or turbo lister some time shipment details did not add up and some time it add double

4th with receiving tha payment buyer can give u feedback which they cannot remove

5th they sale is boost up 70% but as we see only ebay commsion and charges is boost up not our sale..all fraud buyer which never pay...

6th that red hot logo and hot logo will also boost the sale now there is no such thing all look same

7th one thing we did not understand if we take El's and also secodary category than el's charges become double this not fair we are almost give double for every thing even for secondary listing also

8th Automatic bid incriment table is worse kind tell me how can we upload any product when the bid incriment is only 5rs and 10 rs buyer will bid low and the aution will die in 7 days without reaching the whole sale price it better give this power to seller ( we like to upload one of the Dvd player with screen which cost 40000/-in market but it is useless here)

9th give buyer to rate us atleast 2 which is can add in the rating...because if this the system so imagine seller can hardly reach to 100 in a year

10th we did not get any update mail for the auction is it is increase or not etc.....

hope u will consider our point ....together we can and we will make this site more selling and help full for seller and buyer....

with regards
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