In my recent auction #6415009351, my auction was again scammed by a "nigerian" bidder. While I understand that I can use your dispute console to address this issue, I request you to either kick out or block this bidder: ibrahim_gene
I am enclosing below a synopsis of the email I received from him:
=== start
how are you doing today? i recieved your mail about the goods i bought from
your store,i just want to send the goods to my friend as a gift.am from in
india, my is ibrahim gene.
so what i need from you, is that i want you to send the goods to my friend
house in beguim and calculate all the money you use i will pay you througth
western union auction payments bidpay online.
waiting hear from you
and my regrads to you
=== end
To prevent such problems (this is the 3rd time I am facing this problem), can you please put an option for sellers which will block bidders who are new (or below a certain number of days old)?
This can be an additional option.
Please consider this point.
Best regards,
seller "priyasens"