on โ01-03-2006 03:12 PM
Well I was
going through this announcement where I have seen various changes have done. But
when I saw Ebay wants Gallery and Listing Designer as chargeable I was really
unhappy. My fellow sellers what are your views about this ? R u Happy or Unhappy
? Do you think Gallery and Listing Designer need to be feesable to us ? My
views about Gallery And Listing Designer :
Reason : If
a seller is selling 2000 products will he choose gallery and listing designer on
1st April ? Answer is NO. Sales will go down. Fake buyers are in bulk in India.
Buyers are not in bulk and quantity of good buyers is very low.
I need my fellow
sellers views too. Plz reply to this thread with your views specifying the
reason . This change will be effective from 1st April,2006. Ebay - R u making
our April fool or what:-(:_|X-( ??
on โ02-03-2006 01:27 PM
on โ02-03-2006 01:48 PM
on โ02-03-2006 02:02 PM
on โ02-03-2006 02:04 PM
Seller's There is no use ebay people do what they want they don't care all about now they squeeze the blood of seller's slowly its like sweet poison just wait and watch this is starting
on โ02-03-2006 03:18 PM
on โ02-03-2006 03:48 PM
on โ02-03-2006 04:19 PM
I think Ebay
has decided to forcefully apply their rules and announcements on sellers without
even knowing the cause. Before Ebay started charging for Sub - title. When Sub -
title was free I used that feature . After it became chargeable I just stopped
using that feature. I have seen only sellers who use home page featured or
featured listings use this sub - title in their listings. Means out of 100
sellers only 20 - 25 sellers use sub - title. In my opinion - Ebay should give
Sub - title, Gallery and Listing Designer free to sellers. I guess ebay is
seller friendly site and will think again on this announcement. Ebay - Do u want
buyers on your site or no buyers ?? Why u r not replying to this thread ?? Or u
have decided to be mum on this topic. Hope any of the pinks will reply on this
thread. I request any of the pink to first wear seller shoes while replying ---
What will be the impact of this announcement on seller ?
on โ02-03-2006 05:46 PM
on โ02-03-2006 09:47 PM
on โ02-03-2006 10:54 PM
I m not able to sleep
properly in night from the very day I read that announcement of Gallery and
Listing Designer fees. I pray to my God daily that God plz undo this
announcement. I want to sell on Ebay the way I did on Baazee. Ebay why r u
giving punishment to your sellers. Plz be seller friendly not money friendly.