Open House Discussion with Gautam Thakar, Director – Categories & Marketing
Community Member
Dear Users,

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new initiative for users to interact with eBay India Management – the eBay India Open House.

Staff from the eBay India Management Team will be available on the Discussion Boards at pre – defined times, to answer any questions you might have regarding buying and selling on eBay India.

The first session is with Gautam Thakar, Director – Categories & Marketing. We invite you to join Gautam for an online chat on Thursday, the 2nd of June, 2005, from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM IST.

You can submit your questions before or during the event by making a post on this thread. For help on using the discussion boards, please click here (

See you on the 2nd at 5:00 PM!

Community Development Team

Thanks and Regards,
Buyer Engagement Team
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Re: Open House Discussion with Gautam Thakar, Director – Categories & Marketing

Community Member
Also, the sellers can really get frustrated because of such buyers, and in that post it is also mentioned :

Now, if the buyer just gives negative feedback without even contacting us, how do we sort the problem? And in fact why should we sort the problem till the false negative feedback is not removed? We have mentioned clearly in our terms that the buyer needs to contact us and we will sort the problem out, but if he gives us a feedback directly, we cannot help unless his feedback is withdrawn. We have even sent a feedback withdrawal request to most such buyers and many have even agreed and their problems have been sorted out by us. You can see there are 14 feedbacks withdrawn from our account. So it proves our commitment to make it a happy transaction for him, but then he too should co-operate. You will see in our resolution replies that we are rarely at fault and in most cases it is not our fault at all, but still we are facing suspension!!! In fact we are still ready to replace the item provided the buyer withdraws the false feedback he has given us and returns the item in unused condition.

Such issues rarely happen with sellers outside India as the buyers there are much more educated and thoughtful about buying online. They do read the sellers terms and understand the way things work in an online transaction. But this is really missing in India buyers as it is just the way the Indian Buyer’s mentality is. In fact maybe even I as a buyer would be very similar. You will understand a bit about how the Indian buyer’s mentality works in the resolutions I have provided to the outstanding issues. Internationally the buyer’s would first email the seller the issue being faced and then give their feedback, but in India they will just give –ve feedback. So, there has to be something done in the whole eBay system to sort such issues otherwise new buyer’s will find all the sellers with inflated –ve feedbacks and shy away from buying, which will even be a loss to eBay.

This fact was very well understood by the erstwhile and they had this system wherein the buyer’s could edit the feedback given by them to positive/neutral, but that does not happen on eBay. And believe me, more that 70% negative feedbacks were edited by the buyers; I have over 150 such orders in my earlier Baazee account. I can prove to you how useful it was and the difference it made to the sales:

- The seller “silconvalley” had Zero negative feedback on, but has received 9 negative feedbacks on eBay in just a month!!!

- The seller “cellphonewala (4785)” with a feedback score of almost 5000, 25 negative and 1689 positive in the past 12 months, has received 6 negative feedbacks against only 43 positive ratings in the past 1 month. So has he suddenly turned into a bad seller???

- The seller “gifts2gifts (5054)”, the only 5000+ score seller on eBay India, and with 4052 positive and 101 negative in the past 12 months, has received 13 negative feedbacks against only 41 positive ratings in the past 1 month.

- On his other ID “gifts2giftsauction (2012)” with a feedback score of over 2000 and 2245 positive and 68 negative in the past 12 months, has received 11 negative feedbacks against only 30 positive ratings in the past 1 month. So is he doing something very different from what he was doing earlier???

The truth is “NO” these are not bad sellers, they are still some the best sellers on eBay India, but it is some rules of eBay which do not seem to be working in India. This has also caused the sale to go down drastically as well as the sellers’ feedback ratios. And the worst thing is that this trend can be seen with all sellers on eBay India!!! The only reason being that buyer’s in India do not believe in contacting the sellers for resolving theior problems, they just love giving –ve feedbacks at their whims and fancies.

So why is it that eBay is always against the seller with an idea that the seller is out only to cheat the buyers? We are here to do nice clean business and have repeat buyers coming back again and again. But eBay’s terms are such that they hamper our business, atleast in India. It can also be seen that many sellers have already left quit selling on eBay due to such problems of low sale and high negatives. I hope something is done by eBay soon to stop this trend.
Message 81 of 119
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Re: Open House Discussion with Gautam Thakar, Director – Categories & Marketing

Community Member
i just received a mail from i cannot understand
if anyone of you can understand then do explain me
has not yet been added to the gallery.

The problem is:
Your image is in a format we cannot process:
Convert the image into a jpeg and repost to your web site.
When you are done, you can tell us where your new image is located by
going to:

Thank you for using eBay! with best regards
with best regards
Message 82 of 119
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Re: Open House Discussion with Gautam Thakar, Director – Categories & Marketing

Community Member
Really nice question silconvalley, I too am waiting for that answer... ]:)
Message 83 of 119
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Re: Open House Discussion with Gautam Thakar, Director – Categories & Marketing

Dear Sir,

In response to f2966 apprehension and cheating, I suggest to open an ESCROW account for high value transaction over Rs 10000 for safety of all concerned.

Message 84 of 119
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Re: Open House Discussion with Gautam Thakar, Director – Categories & Marketing

Community Member
Dear Munish,

I am with you personally as well as from my Company's behalf.

Even, we had faced difficulties in delivering Jewels on time due to lot many unpredictable reasons..

However, we never compromise on quality and never run away with the Buyer's Money.

Infact it has been opposite for us with Buyers harrasing us by saying that the Parcels were empty or Claiming Chargebacks.. Even Ebay or Baazee Team never supported us... 😞

If any help is needed in nabbing the culprit we are with you.

Truely Honest Jewellery Sellers on Ebay


Message 85 of 119
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Re: Open House Discussion with Gautam Thakar, Director – Categories & Marketing

Community Member
:^O HI Gautam , this is hlwawala from calcutta . sir , did you ever go thru' my last posting ? I am sure not !

Sir , I expect al the issues rised threin to be discussed.

Let this exercise yield some results atleast .

Message 86 of 119
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Re: Open House Discussion with Gautam Thakar, Director – Categories & Marketing

Community Member
bye bye every body since gautam is no mor on this link we too are leaving with best regards
with best regards
Message 87 of 119
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Re: Open House Discussion with Gautam Thakar, Director – Categories & Marketing
Community Member
Dear silconvalley,
With respect to the currency issue you raised on your US id , i am going to check with my product team to see if there is a solution. My understanding is that the site of registration is the site of billing. I will check though as even i am still learning all the ebay policies and systems:-)

You have raised a tough question with a harsh outcome - of suspending customer service people if they do 'cut paste'. But i think its a fair question. We need to ensure that we inculcate the value of customer response in all of us. As i said earlier , we are taking up customer service as a key priority over the coming months and we will definitely have stringent rewards and penalties in place to ensure we help meet your needs better. Regards
Message 88 of 119
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Re: Open House Discussion with Gautam Thakar, Director – Categories & Marketing

Community Member
X-( any body home ? Knock Knock !!
Message 89 of 119
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Re: Open House Discussion with Gautam Thakar, Director – Categories & Marketing

Congratulation Mr Gautam for completing this first Open Session. None of the important issues raised by us were taken up you or your team. You were entangled by two three users postings and counter questions only. Questions posted earlier were nowhere taken up. I donot who will HELP THE HELPLESS.

Message 90 of 119
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