Open House Chat with Sameer Yadav, Manager - Trust & Safety Operations

Dear Members,

We are pleased to announce the next session of our Open House Program, where users get an opportunity to chat with the eBay India Team.

Message from Sameer Yadav, Manager -Trust & Safety Operations

Dear Community Members,

I am Sameer Yadav, Manager for Trust & Safety Operations for eBay India. Under this role, my team is responsible for Trust and Safety operations and support.

We have made two significant enhancements to our phone support offering the facility to seller to call and also the team reaching out to sellers when listing policy violation is noticed.

1.Inbound toll free phone support - The T&S team is now a call away to address your questions concerns related to feedback, site policies, activity limits or account restrictions. We recognize your need to be able to speak with T&S team directly and this service initiative will help you discuss and get quick resolution & guidance on T&S.

2.TnS calls on listing policy violations - Understanding site policies is critical to the sellers business. To help sellers improve understanding of policies we have started calling sellers to explain violations for the listed items. This process will help sellers to better understand the policy, seek clarification during the call and the chance to correct their listings that minimize listing violations done due to lack of knowledge. This process has already been initiated for few policies and we are working to cover most of our policies.

I will be present on the Community Boards for an Open House Session on 8th June 2011, 4-5 PM.

I will encourage you to post your thoughts, comments and suggestion on this thread. I am looking forward towards this meeting and I hope to gather lot of useful feedback from you.

See you on 8th for Open house discussion!

Sameer Yadav
Manager – Trust & Safety Operations
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Open House Chat with Sameer Yadav, Manager - Trust & Safety Operations

Hi Mr.Yadav, Sameer,

Welcome to this forum and thanks a ton for the new initiaves which will make an ebaY sellers' life a little more bearable.

For the moment, I need to understand some simple things:

A sellers does a business according to his feasibility.

He mentions certain TOS and abides by them. He delivers say better than market average performance.

Can such a seller be called "Below Standards" and be suspended restricted?

As I understand if only 3 buyers out of say one hundred give a low dsr on one of the 4 criteria a seller will be called below standards.

Now it is entirely feasible that 3 irrational buyers (who expect five star service while paying for economy or worse, discount store pricing) will go out and give low dsr to a seller for just doing his job. To sell on ebaY a seller has to offer discount store pricing. So in essesence as a whole is a discount store and not a premium store.

Do you have a check and balance in place? Or is the opinion of just 3 random buyers more important than the thousands of sucessfull transactions he has done on the site?

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Open House Chat with Sameer Yadav, Manager - Trust & Safety Operations

Community Member
Dear Sir

what Mr Devesh of veedeedirect has mentioned, i could not have worded better. kindly add that as my first grienvance as well.

the second is .. ebay gives us 7 days to ship plus 10 days for item to be delivered. be rest assured a buyer will give 1 in DSR since there is no provision for 0. now even after delivering within the time frames given by ebay, we earn the low DSR, wouldnt that be unfair.

continuing.. some buyers say item shud b delivered within 2-3 days to deserve 5. now isnt it a form of blackmail. even delays by a courier like say Blue dart gets attributible to us in the form of low DSR. THE SUGGESTION: for deliveries within the ebay time frame, the buyer shud not have choice to give below 5.

i sell mainly laptops and HDDs. currently HDD. some sellers list 500GB HDD in 1TB category. the situation is so bad that when you search 1TB 2.5HDD, for the first 1-3 pages you only see 250-500GB HDD listings. is it not listing violations and category abuse... someone who needs a 1TB HDD will be frustated to be forced to go through 50 odd listings before he sees the first 1TB offering

And my last issue is why do shipping charges appear to be FREE or MUCH LOWER than what is actual for some listings. For example a listing with Buy now price of 3000 and shipping 199 at times appear as free shipping. very common to see in HDDs . i have a genuine prob with that since i take pains to ensure that i sell at the lowest possible price but ALWAYS WITH FREE SHIPPING, but my listing appears below someone with overall higher cost even when the listings are sorted as per "lowest cost+shipping"

warm regds
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Open House Chat with Sameer Yadav, Manager - Trust & Safety Operations

dear sir
i am reg. since bazzee
in ebay most we face problem is listing remove instead of inform seller what is right
as example before some times money order was allowed in ebay and now if any old seller list his any saved listing with offer of money order in item discription his listing is remove and he get notice
when not any sirious violation instead of this if ebay call him and inform to make correct then change is good but if first ebay remove listing and then inform seller what change need to make then this is uselless
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Open House Chat with Sameer Yadav, Manager - Trust & Safety Operations

Community Member
hi..Sameer..welcome on Joining..i am a Super Seller since Bazee Days..i am sure every seller will Agree that selling has become Much Difficult past 3 yrs "coz TNS is 100%Buyer Friendly..hope & Expect that u will support old Sellers in yor best Possible Capacity..wish to meet u in my visit to yr Office next week..All d Best..Balle Balle.Vineet Chopra,CAR Decorater,Delhi
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Open House Chat with Sameer Yadav, Manager - Trust & Safety Operations

After seeing the announcement for T&S phone support, we gave our first ever phone call to eBay to find out why one of our listing was pulled down without assigning any reason and what need to be done to do the required revisions, if any.

On phone, the CC executive told us that due to their privacy policy, they can not tell us the reason behind the pull down and hence the purpose of calling phone support got defeated..........
Expect the best.

Expect the best.
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Open House Chat with Sameer Yadav, Manager - Trust & Safety Operations


I am currently facing a typical problem.

I am being asked to verify my phone number. When I click on begin verification - Start Call. I am not getting a call from ebay.

Now how am I supposed to complete the verification?

Is this a technical glitch or just a method to harass sellers deliberately?


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Open House Chat with Sameer Yadav, Manager - Trust & Safety Operations

I am not able to delete unwanted questions.
Previously it was okay.
Kindly help.
Message 8 of 65
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Open House Chat with Sameer Yadav, Manager - Trust & Safety Operations

Hello Mr. Yadav,
Welcome ! I am seller since i have a problem in my account and hope that you can do some thing as I feel that it can be a case of mistake...

On 04.04.2011 my account was restricted and was kept on hold for 30days because of seller non-performance/ Low DSR

I contacted my buyers who were not satisfied and resolved all the issues with them and succeeded to remove all the negatives and neutral feedbacks received expect one or two.

Then on 04.05.2011 my account was free from restriction and hold on my account was lifted. From then onwards there is no transaction in my account but only one or two that too was successful and buyer gave me good positive feedbacks with all the five stars in DSR.

On 27.05.2011 I again received a notice from T&S that my account is 100% restricted and I cannot list the items for sale on this account, So I wanted to know why this restriction within 22 days is imposed whereas it was cleared on 04.05.2011 ? I do not got any negative or neutral feedback from the buyers in this period nor any item significantly not as described case is open against me nor any buyer has claimed the ebay guarantee, so this is very sad to know that inspite of not having any of this reason, my account is again kept on hold.

This is my humble request to you and T&S team that please look in the matter and lift this restriction/hold as soon as possible and oblige.

Thanks and Regards !
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Open House Chat with Sameer Yadav, Manager - Trust & Safety Operations

Community Member
Hello to all,

Specially to TNS Manager.

I have sold all branded items, not even a single item is Unbranded.

I mention briefly few of them.

Seagate, WD, HP, Cooler Master, Buffalo, IOMEGA, ACER & Original Softwares to name FEW.

Recently I have clicked on the Seller Dashboard, then Seller performance to see what being displayed there.

Found 2 Low DSR ratings for Item as Described.

Just gone mad myself, coul'nt understand how come a International Branded item received a low DSR.

Why I have gone there to check is for one reason, after I maintained the DSR 5 for item as described many days, suddenly I checked its drop to 4.8.

I know the buyer who must have left the 2, because I am the one who watched the feedback score 100 times in a Day & notice every feedback received including DSR ups & downs.

Immediately after 2 feedbacks that time (From Same buyer / With 2 different ID's) I have noticed this drop.

He bought 2 Seagate Hard Drives from me & left Low DSR.

Do anyone think that the Branded item of International Standards, attract a low DSR, by any means.

Lets all respect the buyers opinion, assuming that some one did'nt like some branded product, for that blaming seller is not a method & how can I help the buyer community, if some one does'nt like a branded product.

Interestengly I coul'nt ask buyer because the rating is not visible.

Another Problem Here - A part of decision making system is hidden & not visible to anyone, you are hit by a mad man with a stone, now you can't see him is what the system is derived as.

To my surprise, I am not able to understand this point, how come a sensitive information where seller need to know is kept hidden, which seller or any one can't see for further improvement.

The LOW DSR remained on my account for ever, because I sold a branded item of International Standard to a mad guy, who indeed has no sense of responsibility in the age of IT.

This was clearly known to eBay, I don't expect eBay does'nt understand these, I am sure they are just enjoying the name that they have got in the past, so no need to do something which actually requires a lot of excercise.

A mechanism need to be tested before implementation, in real Time, not in background, even a software is implemented before final implementation, why eBay has not opted for testing the set of rules before forcing them on seller or a buyer.

If they want to test this, lets wait before forcing on the seller, I mean to say, any changes on the site must be tested before taking action against such policies.

Then only how good is a system functioning will be proved.

But without any such exercise, they do act like anything saying few words, buyer satisfaction, buyer safety Etc.

I did't mean to say that the buyer should not be taken care of, he has to be given the best protection in business, because without a buyer, no sale process exists, but what about the mechanism you are following to protect seller from irresponsible buyers.

You have said 4 members out of 100 can't rate low DSR's, have you not seen the rest 96 saying everything fine.

Is it visible or not?

Read once again, its 96% & above said its alright, then you have no value for that 96% success achieved by seller.

Out of 4 my question is how many are actually are accurate?

No answer, Find answers to my all questions inorder to protect the Community overall.

The communty word I have used for 3 main members.

" eBay - Buyer - Seller "

There is no other member in that, all must be healthy to make the system overall a healthy & prosporus body.

If any injured, that does'nt make a healthy body.

Thanks & Regards
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