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New fees Policy: 1 week of new fees policy killing us, eBay please save !!!

Community Member
Dear Fellow Sellers,

I would like to share my experience after the new fees policy is effective. I feel the worst heat now. My listing did not change (Instead of 20 listing daily in online auction format, now listing 10 to minimize my budget, rest of them listed in shop view), but my sales just 25% (For example before if i was selling Rs.2000 per week in average, last week 1-7 April is just Rs.500 only) of my average sale of previous weeks. This is a worst situation for me do business with eBay. I really don't understand what is happening in eBay ?

Unlike other sellers i supported new fees policy because of duplicate listing by fellow sellers and poor buyer experience. But the effect is very negative for my sales. I hope eBay will do something to save us, doing good business before and facing a crisis from past week.Tomorrow i will be receiving a cheque of lowest sales in past 6 months. This sales is same for another 4 weeks (a month), i will have to close down the shop to avoid further loss.

What will be eBay's reply ?

eBay please do something to save us !!!

Fellow sellers how is your sales, what is your opinion ? Please dont forget to post your feedback as well.

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New fees Policy: 1 week of new fees policy killing us, eBay please save !!!

Community Member
Hi Amitava,

Congrats for the +ve feedback. Its really a joy to see +ve feedbacks from buyers.

And by the by my 3rd week sales are ok.. 2nd week was great. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) ๐Ÿ˜‰
Message 31 of 38
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New fees Policy: 1 week of new fees policy killing us, eBay please save !!!

Hi Navneeth,
Marketing strategy is the essence of selling.I dont have a big buyer base right now.I never had.In fact I never bothered ,simply because the old buyers were buying repeatedly.
Under the new system,somethings,some change in strategy has to be devised.
Doing some trial and error.Shall only know if I see the watches are more.
You will see that some small fast food shops in hard to find bye lanes sell like hotcakes,and well decorated food outlets on prominent locations,fight for survival.
The catch word is successful marketing.
So,I am not in a hurry.
But I am trying out somethings.But as a communist,I believe in ::END JUSTIFIES MEANS.
Wish you all happy selling.
Message 32 of 38
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New fees Policy: 1 week of new fees policy killing us, eBay please save !!!

Community Member
Dear All,

Again i am back after 3 weeks with my sales feedback.

The situation is still same, the Bay is very quite after Listing Fees Tsunami.

One day i got sold some items. But after that none. Even i have listed items in the online listing as Sapana suggested, but the sales is not improved as much as i have sold in the past months. The market is unpredictable now. Before i can guess how many i can sell an average per week and i can sell the same. At present nothing is sure.

I can say after Listing fees is introduced, definitely something wrong with eBay policy change. Some times customers just ask question about shipping time, combined shiping discounts etc, in the month of April that's also reduced. Basically customers are not showing up.

I hope after Open house discussion(27th April 5PM-6PM), Rathin Lahiri, Head of Marketing, will help us to get some customers.

Dear sellers, please leave your feedback as well.

Kind regards,
Message 33 of 38
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New fees Policy: 1 week of new fees policy killing us, eBay please save !!!

My sales are still half of what I used to sell.
I am still having problem with editing.
They want me to use turbolister.
I dont like turbolister.
Too gaudy.
But I am going to stay here with you.
Message 34 of 38
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New fees Policy: 1 week of new fees policy killing us, eBay please save !!!

I am sorry to be back here again.
I just tried to bulk edit 49 items,mostly listed by new SYI form.
That tool could edit only 5 items.
My suggestion is,give us tools which works.
A tool that works 10% is worthless.
Hope eBay realises difficulties faced by sellers.
Message 35 of 38
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New fees Policy: 1 week of new fees policy killing us, eBay please save !!!

Community Member
Dear eBay/ Fellow Sellers,

Thanks for the tips, support and sharing your difficulties here after new fees policy is introduced.

We are good to announce that in the last week of April we have seen some improvement in sales. But it is not as good as in the past. But manageable now.

One change we have done in our daily listing as follows.

Before we used to list 20 items daily in online format and rest in shop view. Because of new fees, to limit the budget we reduced our listing to 10 daily in online format and rest in shop view.

The problem is, if we are listing our 10 items under 5 different categories, we were trying to list 2 listing per category that was the one caused the problem. For example we have listed 2 swim wear daily after new fees under swim wears. That's not enough for good visibility. After 20 April we are listing 5 items(3 days a week) in the swim wear instead of 2 items per day. This gives more visibility for the buyer. It is basically regrouping the number of items under one category.

I hope you all got some tips. All of you have a wonderful time.

I have another question to all of you last April/May i was a new seller and i dont know the summer holidays affected sales or boosted the sales. 2-3 years experienced sellers can explain little bit about this.

Kind regards,
Message 36 of 38
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New fees Policy: 1 week of new fees policy killing us, eBay please save !!!

Community Member
I am back again .I had given my feedback regarding price change announcement in this thread on April 14th ,after about 10 days when this listing fee was implemented.
That time my sales were down by about 50%. Today i am here again.
My sales have picked up and have increased again , lets say 50% more of what it used to be originally before listing fee and i think that's good news for all.
My Observations are
EBay remains a clean market.
Its easy for a buyer to find whats he wants,
More genuine buyers and sellers have come in.

Lets also hope that things improve more with time

Finally I will say that New listing fee has brought Sellers and eBay on the Road to success
I congratulate EBay for implementing this difficult listing fee decision.
Also i expect eBay to work more towards making eBay a better place for both Buyers and sellers
Message 37 of 38
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New fees Policy: 1 week of new fees policy killing us, eBay please save !!!

Community Member
Dear newmarket05,

Thanks for posting your feedback. The sales is good, i am slowly moving towards my target. Hopefully in a month i can catch my market back. If you notice, lot of newbie are coming in, but 20%-30% unpaid cases. There is another thread going on next to this for unpaid cases, please post your view as well. If you notice the paid sales in Dec-Jan-Feb is much better. Let us hope for good times.

Kind regards,
Message 38 of 38
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