Dear All,
Again i am back after 3 weeks with my sales feedback.
The situation is still same, the Bay is very quite after Listing Fees Tsunami.
One day i got sold some items. But after that none. Even i have listed items in the online listing as Sapana suggested, but the sales is not improved as much as i have sold in the past months. The market is unpredictable now. Before i can guess how many i can sell an average per week and i can sell the same. At present nothing is sure.
I can say after Listing fees is introduced, definitely something wrong with eBay policy change. Some times customers just ask question about shipping time, combined shiping discounts etc, in the month of April that's also reduced. Basically customers are not showing up.
I hope after Open house discussion(27th April 5PM-6PM), Rathin Lahiri, Head of Marketing, will help us to get some customers.
Dear sellers, please leave your feedback as well.
Kind regards,