I am a Power Seller of eBay India (eBay.in). I list items in eBay.in with international listings (listing appears in other eBay sites, including eBay.com). Incidentally most of my buyers are from US and I used to be a Top Rated Seller (TRS) for US buyers not so long ago. Due to my Top Rated Seller status, my listings used to show up higher when buyers search item by keywords in eBay.com.
My listings used to meet all the TRS criteria. However recently a new criteria is introduced that tells the items should be shipped within the handling period and shipping details should be entered against the listing in eBay.com for at least 95% listings (unlike eBay.in, in eBay.com tracking number and courier name can be entered against the listing)
Now my buyers pay either by PaisaPay (payment method of eBay India where buyer can pay by their card) or via PayPal (PayPal invoice to be sent separately since eBay.in and PayPal not integrated). For Items paid by PayPal, I have been entering shipping details easily in eBay.com. For items paid by PaisaPay, when I tried to enter the tracking details in eBay.com, the field is grey and a message is shown that I should enter in 'My PaisaPay' in eBay.in site. However even after entering shipping details in PaisaPay, same is not reflected in tracking details area of eBay.com.
Due to this eBay.in system fault I lost my 'Top Rated Seller' status on eBay USA (eBay.com) and I am downgraded to 'Above Standard'. Due to this in search my listing are showing much lower and my sales have drastically come down in last two months. Due to lower sales, now I am in danger of further downgrade from 'Above Standard' to 'Standard'. Above standard requires at least 100 sales to US buyers of eBay.com in preceding one year, which means even lower placements in search results.
I have written many mails to eBay India and many posts in eBay.in. Unfortunately there is absolutely no response in either to the posts or mails to Customer Service from eBay.in.
I made eBay selling for my living but my 12 years business is being destroyed by eBay India
Can anybody help?