From Saudi Arabia With Love

Community Member
Hello everybody, well I have been absent for a long time, the reason being that my eldest son Fahad died when his F-16 fighter was shot down in India (Kashmir)
I dont know how many parents and wifes in India and Pakistan will suffer before our governments will come to terms.
Love and regards to all the members of eBay community and

Dr. Shamim A. Hassan
Khobar Saudi Arabia
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From Saudi Arabia With Love

Hi Dr. Shamim,

Welcome back to the community. Its a very sad news. May Allah rest the soul in peace to your brave son. War only give sorrow and suffering to innocent people. We should raise our voice to say NO WAR, but who listens. The great dictators start war for their own benefits, they never think for the lives of people.
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From Saudi Arabia With Love

Doctor Saheb,
I have no words to express my grief.
I am also a father of 2 sons.
Have courage.Have faith.Say Mrs Hassan that I share your feelings.
I must tell you from my experience that Indys and Pakis make good friends.Why I dont know.
Thats a bad,very bad news you gave.I shall pray for your peace of mind.
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From Saudi Arabia With Love

Dr. Sahab...our heart felt condolence to you at this time of your grief. May God rest your son's soul in peace. May the dirty war and hatred come to an end sooner than later.

I pray to God to give strength to you and your family to tide over this tragedy. Please feel free to come over and talk to us as often as you like. May peace be with you.

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From Saudi Arabia With Love

Community Member
Hi Dr. Shamim A. Hassan,

I am so sorry to hear about this. 😞

Your family will be in my prayers. .
Kath Voices 35
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From Saudi Arabia With Love

Community Member
I dont have words to thank my friends in India who have sent me their condolences. God bless you all.
Special thanks to Sapna and Amitava.
Yes I really wonder why cant our governments live in peace. I have a lots of Indian friends Hindus, Christian, Seikh here in Saudi Arabia and there has never been any problem among us. Respect and be respected, love and be loved.It is as simple as that.
I have seen Indians carrying injured Pakistanis on their shoulders and bringing them to the emergency of our hospital for treatment.Why cant we do the same in our countries.
How many more people have to lose their lives in both India and Pakistan before our countries will understand that wars do not solve problems, rather they creat more problems.
Please, please India and Pakistan stop this blooshed.
With love and regards for all my friends on eBay.

Dr. Shamim A. Hassan
P.O. Box 2810
Khobar - 31952
Saudi Arabia
Mobile +966-505851112
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From Saudi Arabia With Love

Hi all,
I am yet to overcome the shock.I dont think I shall ever be.I am 60.May be I shall live another 10 years.But what about future??
These guys must give up this bad taste for fighting.It will destroy us.
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