The Birth of EBay

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The Birth of EBay
By David Rapp

Pierre Omidyar in 2007.
Pierre Omidyar in 2007.
(Joichi Ito)

Did you know that eBay started as a place to sell Pez dispensers? The story goes like this: Pierre Omidyar, a French-born computer programmer living in California, was having dinner one night in 1995 with his girlfriend. She mentioned that she was having trouble finding fellow collectors to trade Pez dispensers with. This inspired Omidyar to bang out some computer code and start the website that would become eBay.

Only it’s not true. The story got the auction website much-needed exposure and attention in its early days and was repeated in countless magazine articles. But it was a public relations fabrication. Omidyar would later call it a “romantic” version of events. The real story of eBay’s birth—on September 3, 1995, just 12 years ago today—is no less interesting.

In the summer of 1995, Omidyar, who was 28, was working for a California mobile-communications startup called General Magic. He’d been fascinated by computers since his childhood and been a professional programmer since the mid-1980s. He was politically libertarian, and he saw in the Internet an arena for creating an ideally free and fair marketplace.

He decided to do so, using real-life auctions as a model, a market mechanism that he felt naturally yielded accurate and fair prices for a seller’s products. “Instead of posting a classified ad saying, ‘I have this object for sale, give me $100,’ you post it and say, ‘Here’s a minimum price,’” he later said. Internet users would bid, and when the bidding was over, “the seller would by definition get the market price for the item, whatever that might be on a particular day.” Over the 1995 Labor Day weekend, he hammered out code, and on September 3 what he called AuctionWeb went up on the website he had for his freelance consulting business, Echo Bay Technology Group— (He also posted pages on the site about other interests of his, including the Ebola virus.)

AuctionWeb was nothing like the eBay of today, particularly in its appearance. It was just black text on a gray background. And on its first day of operation it attracted not one visitor. But Omidyar publicized it to his fellow programmers and computer enthusiasts via Usenet newsgroups, and soon it was attracting buyers and sellers. Within a few weeks, AuctionWeb was holding dozens of auctions for computer equipment, autographed memorabilia, and even automobiles. It grew by word of mouth, and by the end of 1995 it had been host to thousands of successful auctions between strangers.

Omidyar has said that at one point during those early days he put up a broken laser pointer for auction, on a lark. He was shocked to see it go for more than $14. If a broken, relatively worthless item could sell, he realized, the possibilities were limitless.

By early 1996 the site had gotten so popular that he had to start charging commissions on sales in order to cover his Internet service provider’s fees. He took payment on the honor system, reasoning that people were basically honest. “Some people say, ‘Isn’t that trite, it’s like a Hallmark card,’” he said. “But I think those are just good basic values to have in a crowded world.” To that end, he created a feedback system so that buyers could give praise or register complaints against buyers or sellers; users who were consistently the focus of complaints would be banned. The system kept people honest and at the same time fostered a feeling of community that would become a key to the site’s growing success. AuctionWeb quickly became a magnet for collectors, as, for example, the leading marketplace for Beanie Babies.

By June 1996 Omidyar’s spare-time project was bringing in $10,000 a month, and he quit his programming job to work on it full-time. AuctionWeb ended up making $350,000 in commissions in 1996; the next year the figure rose to $4.3 million. He hired a Stanford M.B.A., Jeff Skoll, to handle the business side of things, including creating a business plan and attracting investors. In June 1997, the Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm Benchmark Capital was the first to put up money—$5 million for a 21.5 percent stake. Benchmark’s stake would eventually be worth more than $4 billion.

In September 1997 the company abandoned the AuctionWeb name and became simply eBay. Around the same time, it became distinctly more corporate. Meg Whitman, a former executive with Procter & Gamble and Disney, was hired in the spring of 1998 as CEO, and eBay began spending millions on marketing. On September 24, 1998—just three years after Omidyar had created the site on his home computer—eBay went public. The founder remains eBay’s chairman, and today he is worth $7.7 billion, according to the latest Forbes list of the 400 richest Americans. EBay brought in almost $6 billion in revenues last year.

The site’s quick and big success directly drove the success of other businesses, including the online payment service PayPal, which eBay bought in October 2002 for $1.5 billion. At least 100,000 small businesses use eBay exclusively as the marketplace in which they operate. And millions of people use Omidyar’s marketplace to bid on millions of items every day—including Pez dispensers.

—David Rapp has written about history for American Heritage, Technology Review, and Out.

Original link here.
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The Birth of EBay

Great thread coolbrasco!

Let me take this opportunity to post some interesting eBay fun facts!
Some expensive items sold on eBay:

Frank Mulder 4Yacht Gigayacht ($85 million)
Grumman Gulfstream II jet ($4.9 million)
1993 San Lorenzo 80 Motoryacht ($1,935,300)
1909 Honus Wagner baseball card ($1.265 million)
Diamond Lake Resort, western Kentucky ($1.2 million)
Enzo Ferrari ($975,000, October 2004)
Shoeless Joe Jackson's "Black Betsy" baseball bat ($577,610)
Round of golf with Tiger Woods ($425,000)
Portions of the 1996-2001 Jeopardy! set. The 9-foot-high Jeopardy! logo that was etched in glass as the backdrop sold for approximately $100,000. One of the contestant podiums sold for nearly $10,000 (proceeds of the set's sale went to charity)
In the aftermath of both the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, the Tonight Show auctioned off two Harley-Davidson motorcycles, which had been signed by various celebrities. The winning bid for the motorcycle auctioned after the Tsunami was $800,100.
Following Hurricane Katrina the Lego Group auctioned off the custom made Republic Attack Cruiser (built to promote Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith). Built using more than 35,000 pieces the model raised $31,000 for Habitat for Humanity.

Large items

One of the largest items ever sold was a World War II submarine, sold by a small town in New England that decided it did not need the historical relic anymore.
One of the tunnel boring machines involved in the construction of the Channel Tunnel was auctioned on eBay in 2004.

One of the largest items ever to be put up to auction and not sold was a decommissioned aircraft carrier, the HMS Vengeance. The auction was placed by an anonymous seller from Brazil, but was removed before the auction completed because eBay forbids the sale of military ordnance.

The town of Bridgeville, California was sold for $1,777,877. However the winning bidder backed out of the deal and Bruce Krall subsequently purchased it for $700,000. It was placed for sale on eBay once again on April 4, 2006, with a starting price of $1,750,000.

Unusual sale items

In June 2005, Karolyne Smith sold the right to permanently tattoo an ad on her forehead to for $10,000.

Also in June 2005, the wife of Tim Shaw, a British radio DJ on Kerrang! 105.2 sold Tim's Lotus sports car with a Buy It Now price of 50p. This was after Tim's wife heard him flirting with model Jodie Marsh on air. The car was sold within 5 minutes.

In May 2005, a Volkswagen Golf that had previously been registered to Cardinal Josef Ratzinger (who had been elected Pope Benedict XVI) was sold on eBay's German site for €188,938.88. The winning bid was made by the online casino, known for their outrageous eBay purchases.

In 2004, a Seattle man posted pictures of himself wearing his ex-wife's wedding dress. In more than one way, the seller received much more than he expected. While he initially admitted he was selling the dress to earn some money for Mariners tickets, the bidding got into the thousands of dollars, and the seller actually had received a number of marriage proposals from users.

In September 2004, the owner of sold the contents of his trash can to a middle school language arts teacher, who had her students write essays about the trash.

There was at one point an auction for the first ride on Kingda Ka, the tallest roller coaster on Earth. The winning bid was $1691.66, and the winner rode in the front seat.

On November 23, 2004, a grilled cheese sandwich with a likeness of the Virgin Mary on it sold for $28,000 to the online casino The seller claimed to see the Virgin Mary toasted into the bread when she made the sandwich in 1994.

A 50,000-year-old mammoth. Max was put up for sale in 2004 with a minimum bid set at US $250,000 by his Dutch owner due to lack of space, and sold for £61,000. This was a bargain considering he was one of the five best and most complete mammoth skeletons in the world, consisting of 90% of his original bone material.

The owner of sold advertising space comprising a single pixel on its homepage for 21 days for $100.

An incomplete package of diapers, bought and opened in the 1980s, raised more than $700US for the Children and Families Ministry at a United Church in Victoria, British Columbia (Canada).

Water that was said to have been left in a cup Elvis Presley once drank from was sold for $455. The few tablespoons came from a plastic cup Presley sipped at a concert in North Carolina in 1977.

A Coventry University student got £1.20p for a single cornflake.

A European buyer sold a Vauxhall VX220 that was said to be baptized.

2001 - John Freyer catalogued and sold nearly everything that he owned, from his kitchen cutlery to his personal hygiene products, his Star Wars sheets and finally even the domain name itself. He then visited many of the places where his items had been sold.

A 1980s cartoon character, SuperTed, had his magic words listed.

In 2006 Jeremy from the internet show Pure Pwnage sold some of his hair for $4,200.

Curtsey -

More information -

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The Birth of EBay

Community Member
Dear Sapna ,
Thanks for all the interesting stuff,
Also it will be great Idea if you tell us something facts about
Message 3 of 10
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The Birth of EBay

Thanx coolbrasco and Sapana Ji.
This is the greatest and cleanest internet community.Let us make it greater.
Message 4 of 10
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The Birth of EBay

Community Member
Great Thread! Thanks coolbrasco & sapana for posting it. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 5 of 10
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The Birth of EBay

Community Member
I have met Pierre a few times, very nice man indeed. 🙂

The first shooting star feedback seller on eBay:

The neverending auction from Skippy the eBay employee:

He made it neverending before he left eBay. :^O It was originally a Y2K test auction I believe. They finally had to shutoff bidding because of feedback gone crazy. .
Kath Voices 35
Message 6 of 10
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The Birth of EBay

Community Member
That's Absolutely Amazing!!!Thanx Cool brasco and sapana and Other friends to post these facts about ebay.I really feel proud to be a part of this wonderful community!!!

Message 7 of 10
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The Birth of EBay

Community Member
Very enlightening Thread
Message 8 of 10
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The Birth of EBay

Community Member
Hello Sapana,

I do agree with newmarket05.

Kindly post some high value Items sold on ebay India.

Never mind if the Price is not in millions .... we will enjoy and be proud of ebay India. .

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
Message 9 of 10
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The Birth of EBay

Following are some fun facts about eBay India that I have quick access to.

eBay India

eBay India's users come from over 670 cities in India .
Approximately 12,800 sellers use eBay India as a primary or secondary source of income. (Source: ACNielsen International Research, June 2006)(My personal favourite 🙂 )

On an average day on eBay India :

A piece of jewellery sells every 6 minutes
A mobile handset sells every 11 minutes
A piece of apparel sells every 13 minutes
A MP3 player sells every 13 minutes
A Storage device or Drive sells every 18 minutes
A book sells every 18 minutes
A stamp sells every 20 minutes
A watch sells every 24 minutes
A coin or note sells every 24 minutes
A PC game sells every 36 minutes
A digital camera sells every 41 minutes
A toy sells every 68 minutes
A VCD sells every 80 minutes

Freaky Listing:
A student from Pune listed his forehead for advertising and was offering it to corporates. He claimed that since he is a very social person, he will be able to carry the company's brand amongst youth in Pune. 🙂
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