Dear Community
Since the time eBay has taken over, our sales are constantly on the decline. Our revenues have become 1/4th of what it used to be earlier.
Assurances that traffic is increasing on the site are just that...ASSURANCE ! We do not see any increase in traffic. Nor do we see any increase in sales. Promotion and EL fees are so high that it doesnt make business sense because there are no buyers.
There was a time when we clocked around 30 orders on an average per day. Probably that could have been called the GOLDEN ERA of Baazee. But now, since the time we have migrated to, we do not even get 4-6 orders in a day, half of which are DD, and half of that do not get fulfilled. So at the end of the day, we see that we have sent just around 1-2 parcels.
Not to mention the problems with the rating system,where some buyers give a negative rating without any fault of the seller. And we cannot even ask for a review of the rating, nor can we edit the rating.
Not to mention the technical flaws that allows buyers to accept wrong delivery charges resulting in further loss. If we do not send the parcel, the buyers give a negative rating.
Not to mention the lackadaisical attitude of the eBay staff who do not even bother to answer our concerns.
Not to mention the cumbersome administration of the aftersale process. No proper track can be kept between the communication between the buyers and the sellers. Baazee was much better, as far as the site design and the overall administration was concerned.
Not to mention the messed up reports that can be downloaded. A report should be visually appealing and readable. But the report that can be downloaded now is just a mess-up. No email address of the buyers, and no phone numbers as well !!! I really miss our good old Baazee reports
Not to mention the fact that most features on are charged. Almost NOTHING is free. Whenver something IS free, beats its chest like a GORILLA shouting that IT IS FREE !!! Something being free is a rare commodity on ebay now.
Not to Mention that the overal complexity has made many buyers RUN AWAY to other sites which are more user friendly. This is clearly evident from the mails that some of my regular buyers have sent me. They say that they do not feel like coming to the site any longer.
Not to mention the new system of "Commit to buy" where the buyer commits to buy and can choose the payment method later. But most buyers who commit to buy never come back again to choose their payment method. What were you guys thinking when you implemented such an assinine feature ??
Not to mention that most sellers have stopped putting things up for auction because of the ridiculous bid increments...a major set back to the total revenues.
We have got kinda used to the ebay site. And we can say that managing baazee was a hell lot more easier compared to this.
Could you guys sitting in your plush ebay office in Mumbai answer some of these concerns ? Could you please tell us what positive things can we look forward to in the coming months ??
I am sure that with all this widespread dissatisfaction and drop in sales with all the sellers, even eBay is feeling the pinch. Even you must have noticed the stark fall in buyers coming to the site.
Just re-think about your policies. Because if corrective measures are not taken soon, both our existence would be in question.
A dissatisfied seller
Abhishek Agarwal