Hi possibleblue, ksrishti, kishor.nayak,everything4u84
Please refer to the reply number 180 in this thread. I already suggested this on 16th Feb to PayPal and eBay. Regarding this suggestion, I received weired canned response from PayPal and nothing from eBay except a lame compliment!!
PayPal hasn't taken any measure to resolve this issue otherwise it would have communicated to its account holders. PayPal doesn't need 40000 accounts to tie up with a courier company. A professional and genuine company would do this even if it had just 4 accounts.
When I learned about this issue on 28th January, I communicated with PayPal and from the irresponsible response that I received from them, I understood that this issue won't get resolved in next 3 to 4 months at least so I REMOVED ALL MY LISTINGS as I was not able to afford an expense of 10K on daily basis without expecting returns.
I request all the sellers to apply their intellect here. After all they are in business and it is their hard earned money at stake. How long will you be fooled with false assurances? If this was a simple issue then it would have been resolved in 2 to 3 days.