See I don't think any seller or buyer on ebay has anything personal against anybody on ebay, believe me, the main problem is that we sellers have been on ebay for pretty a long time and we have seen many many such buyers who make such claims but nothing is done.
Lets face the fact, who has the time and deep pockets to go through the legal process in India and stay focused right till the end to bring the issue to its logical conclusion as you want it to be.
We all are aware that ebay is a giant company and probably in the first 5 list in the world and my personal belief is that ebay India does not have much of a say in front of ebay US board members. Very much on the same lines as US of A treats India as a country.
Consumer rights protection looks good only on paper, In a country like ours where our own govt. is the first to infringe upon and take deny its own citizens of it basic civil rights, do you seriously think something can be really done in such a country. I doubt it, exceptions do not make a rule.
To conclude, wish you all the best in your endeavor.
Raj Electronics.