Hello ebay
I feel great for being a member in eBay. I daily log in to look out for good stuffs in eBay. Until today I purchased nearly lakh rupees item from bazee, which is eBay, now from this u can make out that how much I trust and love this site. I m satisfy with the product I bought. I had attended the seminar organized by eBay. I kept my question and got the answer for all from eBay. Few people why do they forget that eBay is the place,
That user fined his needs. Why do not people evaluate the product before keeping it for selling? now mostly I find price of the mobile 6600 is more than market price and that too used one. Why seller take it buyer, as he is stupid. Now a day’s youngster is interested in purchasing the mobile and they know the price of the piece in market. Please seller do not make fool of some one. More the shipping cost is so high. EBay should start there own courier service. It wills 100% satisfaction deal.