Community Member
I have read too many complints about buyers and seller being cheated, mostly the buyers.
If the Ebay is a honest organization (which I doubt)they should have a security force which will actually go to the seller and question him, if he indulges in a fradulant sale or cheats the buyer,since the seller IS using Ebay to sell his products they have responsibility to fulfill, and protect the buyer and seller alike.
A penalty should be imposed on such sellers, and their names with details should be posted on the discussion board to protect buyers.
Such sellers should be black listed and never allowed to join Ebay again.
Message 1 of 13
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Dear shamimhassan,
I really hope that eBay will take some steps for the protection of Buyers and also sellers,Since in India most of the buyers dont know the imp. of feedback.They use feedback for asking question or sending information......its the reality.

Buyers also dont check the feedback of seller or from how much time the seller is selling product in ebay.Lowest price attracts innocent buyers and they get cheated by the seller.
Then Buyer feel sorry...that they bought things from ebay and been cheated..

As I am also a seller in ebay I really feel very bad when a buyers says anything negative about the ebay or sellers in ebay.

Because of some bad guys the name of ebay is spoiling and I know one thing one day it will also happned when there will be no buyers and there will be fraud seller in bulk.

Ebay should really take the metter seriously.

Community board is now no longer used for helping or discussing any topic..But only COMPLAINTS can be seen..

So the point is When will ebay do something...????

I hope very soon...lets wait and watch.

Deep Agarwal.
Shree Krishna Gems
Message 2 of 13
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Community Member
Hello Shamim,

eBay does all that and more. Any one who wants to sell on has to have himself verified by one of 3 methods provided. eBay has selling limits for new sellers. ONce a new seller exceeds those limits he has to pay his accrued eBay fees first to proceed further (i.e. list more items). Thus he is verified once again. Obviously you do not expect eBay to send an employee to Naharlagun to physically verify a seller! Such is the huge lenght and breath of India, that it is simply impossible to do so.

eBay checks all sellers for the genuinity of their contact information and immediately de-registers any seller who is giving false contact information.

Even if three buyers just give a negative rating to a new seller (not open disputes), he is de-registered immediately.

When a seller is de-registered, all his accrued payments from PaisaPay are kept in hold to protect buyers interests. It is also a heavy penalty on the de-registered seller as he has to dispatch all the product for which PaisaPay has received payment if he wants to maintain the goodwill of his buyers and keep trading online. So he has to dig deep into his pockets as a substantail amount of his funds are blocked by PaisaPay.

eBay has a full purchase protection program in place. If any buyer does not receive a product he paid for or receives a product which is significantly not as decribed, he can claim the entire amount which he paid the seller from
Message 3 of 13
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Community Member
Thanx Shamim,

You have pointed a very important suggestion to ebay, which itself is committed to Suicide.

My advice to "" is that pl ask those buyers who have lost their money & ebay has not done anything to compensate them except a few lines & providing useless links. So Please STOP ADVOCATING FOR EBAY. They will not pay to you for this kind gesture.

Message 4 of 13
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Community Member
Dear ALok,

No one is advocating on behalf of eBay NOR ARE WE PAID FOR IT.

But what Positng ID IN and DEEP AGARWAL have said is TRUE .. and you need to accept that.

Why dont you check out buyers who have been covered under the buyer Protection Pogram and given refund.

Why dont you checkout eBay's Advice on Payemnts before makign any payment --

I doubt if you understand the meaning of those links provided by ebay.They are revelant if you have made the payment through proper procedure !!

EBay Has faciliated an open platform to us for trading. If you fall for frauds sellign products at half price then surely you will loose your money.

Hope you will soon realise that ebay is the future and its HONEST atleast if not Perfect.

Regards .


ANkur Agarwal

Experience not AGE !!!

GEt on!!

Ankur Agarwal
Message 5 of 13
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Community Member
Daer, I am trying to get my money back from symphonyjewels_in1 from whome I bought item no.5032894236 and paid him Rs.8100/- When I did nor receive the item I opende a dispute, but till date I have not received the item.
When I complained to the Ebay team I was told that the seller has been deregistered and they can do nothing, in other words what do we care if you have lost Rs.8000.
Till date the seller has not replied any of my dispute mails and he does not pick up his telephone. Should I travel from Saidi Arabia my self to sort out the problem!
Message 6 of 13
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Community Member
Dear Mr Ankur Agarwal &,

Pl see what is the response of Mr Shamim. You can now understand what ebay people doing & what a buyer feels when he finds himself absoolutely cheated & lososing his hard earned money. You people are on the other end , so you can't understand our problem.

Pl tell me what is the use of buying on ebay?

If I have to spend money, I may siply go to our nearby market & purchase what we want. At the same time, I will get the item & if there is something wrong in the deal, I can coplain to the seller, exchange it or get it repaired & will not be fooled by the seller.
On the other hand, first I should access to net & useless ebay platform for my item, then bid for it using my time & money on net, then wait for auction to be ended, then pay the seller, then wait for days ( sometimes weeks) for delivery if I am lucky enough, then contact the seller on telephone several times or net & spend precious time & money again if the item is not sent by seller or sent ias defective or damaged or not as per specification shown on item page, then being on mercy of seller, contacting him again & again, then after several weeks of chasing, file dispute on ebay, finding a very powerful case no. for which nobody talks to you from ebay side in near future, then contacting ebay again & again but nobody listens except getting some useless links which do not help at all, then contacting community to lodge our complains since it seems that all the ebay people are deaf & dumb, crying in community for justice, replying you & like you people in community to defend ourselves & trying to get you people understand this thing that we people are cheated on ebay platform & there is moral duty of ebay to help its buyers in such conditions, then finally receive a message from ebay that your case has been 90 days old & you please escalate this dispute & the seller is no longer registered with us & we can't help you.

If this is the fate of our trading, I can easily imagine why not the genuine buyers escape from ebay & there may be a group of Fraud sellers only on ebay trading inbetween all of them only.

Now tell me : Is not it worth of buying the items from my nearby accssible market? or should I go for the same Chakravuooh again? Those who have lost there money will never trade on ebay. This is my forecast & ebay's future is in the hands of their management.

:-)Remember these are the buyers who provide buisness to ebay. If the buyers will not be protected from Fraud sellers who are using ebay platform, then the buyers will become reluctant & then ebay can not run a single step.:_|


Message 7 of 13
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Community Member
Are you there Dr Shamim,

We are in need of your help in forming a brigade to highlight frauds at ebay & to warn the buyers like you & me & to protect themselves for being cheated bty the Fraud sellers in community.

beat regards

Message 8 of 13
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Community Member
Hello Dr.Shamim,

Let me know you payment mode to understand your problem better.

Since the seller was a registered user when you bought the product from him, eBay has to honor its purchase protection policy. Simply file a claim under the purchase protection policy and pursue it to its end.
Message 9 of 13
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Community Member
Dear Ebay team,

I would like to in form you that such type of bad tactics like threatening on my personal email address by you people to suspend my account/terminate my membership will be of no result. I will continue what I am doing till the justice is made. Don't even try to do so as there are several loopholes in your system by which I will again enter in your community & continue what i am doing , which was to be done by your organization.

So don't try to be oversmart & forget to threaten your genuine buyers. These are the buyers have made you to this position that inspite of solving problems, you are daring to threaten your genuine & honest customers.

BEWARE,to do so. I will fight against your system until the end of customer harassment.

I strongly condemn this act of you, COWARDS.

Message 10 of 13
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