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Forum Posts

eBay B School - Online Training on Selling on eBay

Dear members, We are happy to announce weekly online trainings on Selling on eBay. We have one scheduled for the 16th January.Register now! There are 2 batches - Batch 1 - 1 pm to 3 pm. To join, click here at 1pm on the 16th Jan.Batch 2 - 7 pm to 9 p...

Regarding VAT and CST registration

Hello everyone, I have a few queries regarding CST and VAT registration. I would really appreciate it, if someone who is experienced would answer these queries. 1. Is it required to have CST/VAT registration if I am selling used items, such as old ta...

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No email for remittance

Hi everyone usually I get an email confirming that remittance is transfered in the bank account with an advice from ebays bank. This time Money is transfered in the account but no email. Is this happened to everyone or just me? And is it fine not get...

ebay id resticted by saying need some veryfication documents?

My id is restricted by saying that ebay required some verifcation document and when i contacted ebay they says that your id is restricted due to by brother id digi_cam_store who's id is suspended and TNS team answered me that digi_cam_store need to s...

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New error on community court.

Now who will vote for our case as most of the time jury member wont have time to vote.So in this case we will loses the case and it wud show like this and then u will recd a mail saying it was not in our favor.But if the case is not voted then how wi...

What Modes of Accepting Payments comes under eBay Violation

What Modes of Accepting Payments comes under eBay Violation? Sale is closed on eBay and not outside eBay. Query is related to 'the no. of ways a seller can accept payment from buyer'. Seller will ship the item, mark it as shipped and sale completion ...

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Supply chain gaps - goof up by CSAs and a total loss to me!

This is regarding a Canon SLR camera I 'tried' to sell on eBay. Being a new user, was not aware of some of the policies. A customer paid for the product and when I tried to ship the camera, no couriers were ready to ship fragile items including Blue ...

I've noticed a flaw on my insertion fees calculation.

Dear fellow seller. My question is regarding insertion fees, I noticed a flaw on my insertion fees calculation on my accounts. Before listing 5 items on my current balance shows 3738.96 for listing 5 items @ 1rs. the current balance need to b...

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Paisapay COD Payment Not received for 3 Months

Dear Ebay team, We have not received paisapay cod payments for more than 3 months. No one is showing responsibility towards payment which is not fair. Some ebay employees are asking us to contact shipping company but we have not arranged shipping so ...

New Buyer! Non Paying Buyers! Fraud Buyers! SOLUTION......

We all sellers are suffering now and then with a religion of Buyers who either 1) Bid and forget 2) Never Pay 3) Pay and claim "item not received" 4) Leave negative feedback 5) Just reply that they are financially tight 6) Sorry I don't want it more-...

Charges applied for listings inspite of having premium store

Hello, As per the annoucement on the link below there will not be any fees for listings uploaded for premium store subscribers. But today while going through my account i noticed that I have be...

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sent 5rs bundle to buyer and buyer claims he got only 28note

Hi all on 19jan an auction ended on one of my listing buyer was from lucknow he took five days to clear payment i had to send him lot of msg and i have to even call him he paid money on 24jan evening i sent item using dtdc curior on 25jan he called b...

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Sales are down and down and ....

1) Its my observation that from 1st Jan onwards sales are becoming low. 2) I thought sales will increase after Valintines gifts annoncements. But truely it is not happening at all. 3) Even on home page premium listings, I see sales are not good. 3) M...

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