It seems difficult, that you are proposing to change the delivery timings from 10 days to 7 days.
There are still many places where courier companies donot take the courier hence we have to rely on SpeedPost.
Please note, that there are many orders that still come from small places where courier companies donot cater to, or charge much higher then the stipulated amount collected.
As a seller, we certainly also need to keep the Shipping charges in consideration, and if we charge high shipping charges, the buyer may be reluctant to place the order.
Also SpeedPost/ Registered Post/ Express Parcel is also much economical when it comes to the shipping charges, specially when we need to dispatch some bulk consignments which may exceed more then the usual letter weight.
Many of the consignments may have to be posted by Registered Post and/or Express Parcel that may take a little more time then the usual speedpost delivery schedule. This is to curtail the shipping and Handling charges to be charged to the buyer.
eBay should take all matters into consideration, and you may have overlooked the bulky parcels that need to be delivered to the end user.
Even the courier companies at times take more then the usual stipulated time to deliver the product.
It looks like eBay is more inclined towards the buyer without taking consideration of the problems of the seller. Ebay should have first taken a survey from the sellers before just implementing the terms at their own terms and Convenience.
I further would want to ask,
1. if the product is not reached within the stipulated time period as prescribed by eBay and the order is cancelled, would eBay compensate for the Shipping charges to the Seller?
2. What if the product could not be stopped by the Seller through the courier company and is delivered to the Buyer on the next day after the deadline?
The company, and the seller should go hand-in-hand and each try to understand each others problem. Me, as a seller, donot mind getting my payment a couple of days late, rather then getting the order cancelled and bear the brunt with negative feedbacks, and also, the time/labour for shipping the product.
It looks to me, like the company is trying to accomodate some big sellers who may be having lots of monies to be transferred to their account at the cost of small Sellers, and the same is clearly evident from the current situation.
I further would like to state, that for the timelines for the shipping, the same should be taken only as "WORKING DAYS" excluding Saturday/Sunday and Bank Holidays.