I fully disagree with present ebay feedback policy. Now it is very easy to blackmail a seller without any fault of him. I suggest the following :
1. Ebay should not allow the buyer to left the feedback if he has not paid for the item.
2. A seller should be allowed to leave negative feedback to the faulty buyer.
3. As ebay has given the reason to withdraw this right from sellers that the new buyer fears from negative feedback and will not return to ebay to buy again. But what about the non genuine, fraud buyers? How the sellers will identify any new buyer is just a fraud buyer? And why the ebay has given the right to a non paying buyer to rate a seller? See, some buyers say me to reduce the price of a item, after buying from the ebay listing. Since this is not possible so they may reply same as in your case- negative feedback in reply to an unpaid item strike.
4. A seller should have right to rate a buyer.
5. Incase any feedback misuse, ebay should mediate and should take moral responsibility to protect the reputation of a person- buyer or seller, who has been wrongly rated either by mistake or anyway.
This is the best way to satisfy both- buyer and seller.
You know sometimes, even the buyer rates a seller negative by the comments like, delayed by courier, bill not provided, had to pick up the item from the courier office, warranty card not provided ( while bill mentions the warranty and most of the computer items comes wothout warranty card )
In all above cases, the seller is not at fault at all but his feedback is reduced to which clearly he does not deserve.
It is moral responsibility of ebay to protect such innocent members but I am unable to understand why ebay is running away from it moral responsibility?
Every time ebay changes the policy that is generally against sellers in the name to protect the buyers. But the result everytime is reduced sale but increased ebay profit.
I do not know how long it will take to place a policy that is fair for all !