Dear Amitava ji,
How are you? Hope you are doing good:)
Try to spend your time in other things as no body here in eBay cares about seller(s) and now I am feeling that many genuine sellers are just about to leave eBay as no one will tolerate such stupid policy which is completely unfair to sellers and indirectly will harm buyers also.
I am completely agree with you.We sellers are not fool,We know the intentions of fraud buyers.
But now we cant leave neutral or negative feedback to buyers but buyers can leave Negative and Neutral too.
What is more funny( or should say irritating) is that eBay count Neutral feedback=Negative Feedback.(both are same)
WOW....its a excellent maths by eBay the Great brain.
Well less said the better!!!
Best Regards,
Deep Agarwal.
Shree Krishna Gems