Firsthand experience of how buyer pressurise the seller---a must read

The case is of a buyer who received his consignment of a mobile battery 4 days after the due date of receipt due to some courier problem. After 15 days from date of receipt he comes for a replacement. Knowing the earlier history I offered replacement right away. I sent him 4 emails to confirm my action but he wants me to send the replacement item before hand and only then he will send the old battery back. To which I have refused to send. Now he has gone ahead and given a negative feedback. I spoke to him on his cell about the negative feedback to which he replied that 7 day period was less and I made the period to 15 days and confirmed the same by email and also offered him a refund if he would prefer. Still he has given a negative feedback.
Now tell me what more should I do. Should I touch his feet to get the negative feedback removed .

The images below prove my point.

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

At this point he gave negative feedback. I spoke to him on his cell and sent a feedback revision form with extended time to 15 days but he has not responded
Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire
==================== Regards.
Raj Electronics.
Message 1 of 26
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Firsthand experience of how buyer pressurise the seller---a must read

AND AND AND here is one more buyer (id-vkalyans4)
He has clearly refused to send the defective item back to us for replacement saying "I will not pay to send item back".
Should I spend sleepless nights thinking what will happen if he gives negative feedback if I don't agree to his terms and conditions.

Received email image given below :

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Raj Electronics. Regards.
Raj Electronics.
Message 11 of 26
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Firsthand experience of how buyer pressurise the seller---a must read

I am a very new seller to eBay and am not in the elctronics trade. However, I have already felt the impact. The matter of feedback and also receipt acknowledgement should be seriously considered by eBay, not by just some standard mails to sellers stating the rules.
Keeping new buyers off, as suggested by jazzyzz may not be a just solution as new members, both buyers and sellers are needed for the constant growth of the site. Newcomers are the only defaulters is not a correct theory. I have faced the negligence from members flauting nearly 100 points againt their IDs!

Paisapay sends reminders to sellers about delivery of items - a seller even gets a mail first thing on Monday morning when a payment has been made on Sunday night! Ebay should send similar mail to buyers for giving feedback. Along with a remider to give feedback eBay should give a highlighted list of points/reasons why proper and timely feedback is necessary.
Message 12 of 26
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Firsthand experience of how buyer pressurise the seller---a must read

Community Member
hi raj,
yes i am your buyer and surely understand you are a very good seller judging by your participation in forum and the conversation we had on phone regarding my battery which i bought.

regarding this as a buyer i can say,1 thing is certain there are chances that you can get damaged or defective items from sellers but if such a case arises the buyer should know of such possibilities and be ready to ship the item back at his cost because yes, eBay does save you a lot of money too by cheap stuff and occasionally such defective item can land up even out of sellers control.

great job Raj electronics.
p.s. i am still waiting for the new docket number for replacement.;-):-)
Message 13 of 26
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Firsthand experience of how buyer pressurise the seller---a must read

Community Member
If buyer refuses to send the item back at his expense then just do nothing. And what do you mean buy his terms and conditions. Did he mentioned that to you before buying. I guess no. So what are you waiting for. Just block him and march forward. You cannot stop that neg from comming.

Can you stop the rains. You have to open your umbrella and protect yourself from the rains. But then also some drops touch your body. So same thing here, my dear!
Message 14 of 26
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Firsthand experience of how buyer pressurise the seller---a must read

Thanks Abhishek, I wish all my clients were as understanding, but this world is not a fair place anyway.
PS: rating please: :_|
******************** Regards.
Raj Electronics.
Message 15 of 26
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Firsthand experience of how buyer pressurise the seller---a must read

The Community Court Verdict has been implemented today.
Thank you once again everyone who supported Raj Electroniks.
***************************** Regards.
Raj Electronics.
Message 16 of 26
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Firsthand experience of how buyer pressurise the seller---a must read

Community Member

Thanks to community court for giving verdict in my favour.:-x

Hope it would be implemented and neg FB would b removed very soon.:-D

Ram krishan
Message 17 of 26
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Firsthand experience of how buyer pressurise the seller---a must read

Community Member
Verdict implemented today and neg FB removed.:-)

Thanks to all ebay staff and Jury members.:-x


Ram krishan
Message 18 of 26
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Firsthand experience of how buyer pressurise the seller---a must read

Eerlier we were getting 1 fraud in 100 buyers but now we get 10 out of 100 buyers because Sellers cannot leave leave any -ve comment on buyer.

Now BUYERS are king on ebay and they now know how to get Items for FREE by exploiting the ebay's rules. They know they can get any Item for FREE if they file dispute the item as NOT AS DESCRIBED or DUPLICATE ITEM and gets the refund along with the FREE item with them.

Ebay know about this and keeping silent over this.

Some of my known powersellers has left ebay platform due to this because they made loss on this ebay's partiality on Buyers & Sellers.

I hope EBAY is reading this DISCUSSION and should know that every Sellers want the old feedback back so that other sellers know which BUYER are FRAUD.

All the best to all sellers
Message 19 of 26
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Firsthand experience of how buyer pressurise the seller---a must read

Community Member
Sellers here.

I like to tell that some of the views of sellers here are not correct.. I suggest sellers to learn about Quality Management Systems & Customer Satisfaction principles..and practice them... they will completely change your views ..

- If customer gets a defective product then its grave mistake of a seller and its 100% sellers responsibility to pickup the goods, replace them or refund money instantly and all this at the customer's convenience. Even if you ask customer to pack and keep it ready for pickup.. he is doing extra work for you..If a defective good go out of our warehouse you should take serious action against your warehouse manager..

- Ideally you should give 30 days post delivery for customer to return back the product if they are unsatisfied with them.. But most people give just 7-15 days.. its ok to mention it but if some customers do not feel that its sufficient extend it..

- If you are not able to manage it or your products may lead to some unsatisfaction.. then just add 10% extra on your product price and take it for granted that upto 10% refunds are acceptable to you.

Surely there are many buyers try to be very smart.. but let me tell you if you give them a full refund.. they will end up getting a good feeling about you and may tell 3--4 people that you are a good store..(specially if you did not question them or confront them with their reasons of return)
Message 20 of 26
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