This should not be allowed.
Every human is definetly jealous. Nothing keeps him away being greedy. These are not the bad qualities of a human being. Just like any good quality, these are also essential qualities. If we don't have them we cann't achieve much.
But excess of these is harmful for health.
Now about the eBay employees being sellers, shoul'dnt be allowed. When some one comes to competition to the items they sell, there is a chance of misuse of policies & as an employee, they are better aware of policies.
Why should any one get undue advantage than any other seller, when trade is fair. This is unfair to have some advantage for some one when every one is doing professionally.
Let them work or let them do business, why some one is allowed to take advantage of some conditions.
A judge facing charges cannot be allowed to give justice on his own case. Same way, when some one is having employment, why they are allowed to do something else, that too on the same plotform.
Its clear for everyone, in the competative world,we all misuse every thing to some extent. Its normal & natural, if someone say, its not true, I cann't believe this.
When there is a possibility of misuse is there, why such is allowed.
eBay employees not supporting someone who is his colluege & works along with them is unbelieveable form any corner.
So better keep them away from selling once they are employed with the organisation.
Thats good for every other seller.
Jealous & greed bring worst out of anyone, no one is exception.
So better not to make some one suffer because of other.