@inteli_india, We know that a good Seller will feel down when restricted or suspended, the depth increases when a Seller is totally dependent on eBay and have a total belief on eBay.
You should immediately mail the incswebhelp@ebay.com regarding the executive/s and let the officials verify and take action, if caught.
Looks like your issue got resolved or restriction has end.
Wish you all the best in your sales.
eBay employees, they are a step ahead, we know few of them guiding Buyers towards specific Sellers.
Sometimes, these issues from executive happen as they are new joiners or heavily loaded with work or have wrong perception on Seller/Buyers or mistaken in understanding the situation.
Ofcourse, we should appreciate few of the executives who are excellent, intelligent, polite and enough patience in providing support (to Buyer/Seller).