Don't Panic!!! Sellers on Ebay India have weathered all storms, this will too pass. We have been here since 7 yrs now & we have seen situations/challenges of all sorts. Paypal issue is not a big deal, paypal is very responsible & a firm company, whenever a new thing happens in India, it gets revolt, so is the issue with Paypal, its a new thing & its taking revolt by Indian govt. Paypal & ebay are amazingly wonderful companies who are extending their twinsome support during this crisis. Paypal team has aready flung into action & helping at all levels. My funds are on my way to bank & there is nothing to fear. Ebay account managers are working 24hrs to help/guide us. i really thank my account manager Jinesh joshi & Navin Mistry for taking care of us. i wish everything wuld improve in coming days.
puneet kripalani