guys help/save me 35 negatives from one buyer in comuinty court

Community Member
give yours justified decision is that right wats happeing with me..............................................................................................
Item numbers :---- 170412746393,170410946453,170410966996, 170411152375, 170411175468, 170411206398, 170411609673, 170411215986, 180436670174,180436691860,180437837061,180437138187,180437828652,180437135852, 180437133746, 180437131559, 170412490110,170412342095, 170412288618, 170412124471, 170412281305, 170411614028, 180437845001, 180437860569, 180437868563, 180437878033, 180438025011, 180437888055, 180438035751, 180438263390, 180438269009, 170412740815, 170412752453,180438293099,180438299655
Items with negatives :--- 170411152375,170410966996,180436670174,170410946453, 180436691860
Buyer :- kym740385
Seller :- priyajewels

Sub :- buyer purchased 35 items 180438299655, 180438293099, 170412752453
buyer ? abusive rude threaten for negative feedback to buy the items in just free of cost on agreeing on the terms refused to remove negative and to make the deal.
Seller- polite , tries to solve each and every issue but as seller was bounding to compromise buyer keep on changing the terms. With abusive language and threats.
1) buyer bought the items but didn?t pay for it he is still under unpaid item strike.
2) buyer forced to reduce combine shipping . mentioned in listing additional item 10 % offered more than 50% discount then he was not satisfied .
3) buyer purchased maximum items from . he didn?t want pay in pounds . wants to pay in dollars without giving the conversion charges of pounds and dollars .
4) seller agreed on each and every terms of buyer to avoid dispute and to get negative removed . agreed on$135 buyers offer still he didn?t remove the feedback . 2 feedbacks were removed by the ebay team because of abusive and threaten language of buyer . but he has a lot of spare time to waste of ebay and sellers that he again given 5 negatives.
kym740385 bid on 35 items of mine . after ending of the items I send the invoice to buyer . according to my policies mentioned in the listing and in eBay combined shipping policy I gave 10% discount on each additional item on shipping . buyer didn?t read the description and bids on 35 items. When he saw the bill he was shocked and got afraid of paying so much. I was polite I asked him for the price he like to pay for . buyer got waterish and said only 6pounds for 35 items I told him its not possible. if he wants to pay on up to 40% discount I can do else its not possible for me to sell . and we should cancel the transaction for the same reason. I requested buyer that I cant sell less than this as it will be a heavy loss for me and if u will give 35 negatives my id will be in trouble. I contacted ebay account manager for the case they asked me to open unpaid item strike for the cases. Buyer was willing to enjoy with me and gave two negatives after unpaid item strike . Then buyer Threaten me to sell the items in additional item $1 . next day $2 he said. After conversion rates of gbp in dollars . I send mail for $ 205 . he then said will not pay for pounds will know only one currency that is dollars and accordingly he will pay $135 if I will accept this he will remove the feedback but wants shipping through fedex or dhl only .I agreed on that also. But now buyer refused to remove negative till he received the items and get it tested and after that if he will feel to remove he will otherwise he will not .the buyer who is not his words and given negatives how can I rely on him. I face loss on items then also I am getting negative .i m bearing abusive language threats and still making the deal for what? Negative? then that?s better for me to accept negatives then to ship and bear loss. I waste my time on the buyer. My negatives were removed by ebay on using abusive and threaten language but again he gave me 5 more negatives and enjoying wasting TIME OF ebay and mine time on the same till 35 finishes. But I ask ebay that is such kinds of buyers have right to threatened sellers and abuse them . he didn?t paid for the items and is still in unpaid item strike then also he is giving negatives for the item which he didn?t even paid for ?and was not willing to pay. that means the sellers are in secure that they can be easily ruin of . I can show each and every message of buyer how he abuse me and threaten me. It?s just time waste of mine and eBay?s he is enjoying giving negatives???????..hopeless?????????
See the profile of buyer in feedback left he enjoys giving negatives and neutrals?..
didn't paid for the items and leaving negative feedbacks like hell and then saying he do business from ebay . bussiness people are not like this. dont worry man god is seeing u he will show u.....

Blindly bid on the items then make fool of seller and enjoy
If my shipping was not clear then why didn’t buyer asked me before bidding on 35 items. A seller should take care of listings , payments, shipping or this foolish stuff ? items not paid but 10negatives……………next 23 to come…………….is that fair?

We are the sellers on ebay . wat does that means are we just passing our times . noo . some buyers bid for fun some serious /regular buyers but a seller with 1300 items on his id is not listing just for time pass. My each item is on $9 it is on it still today . In description its clearly mention each additional item 10% discount . the buyer bids on the item without reading the description and faced the problem he was willing to pay $44 for 35 items . boss these are 35 precious stones cant be shipped through a govt. service. Needs ems or fedex atleast . wat buyer also demanded. Can any one tell me is it possible to ship via ems or fedex on $44 plus 35 items. Nooooo not at all . and if I got some good service on cheaper price its my duty to change my policies so I changed it. I had sold many products to one customer I never had complain as they read description before bidding. And contacted me for any discount I can offer . sometimes it happens that u the deal doesn’t match but it doesn’t mean that a buyer make it prestige ego and say u have to sell me. Why should I ? Hell on .. I m not selling a monopoly item if my deal is not as per your expectation or u didn’t read the description cancel the transaction and bid on some other ids . why buyer is after me. He gave me twoo negatives removed by ebay . now again 5 negatives then again 5 . wat the hell this buyer wants. If he wants the product why he is not paying for it on his price he asked for? . He said he asked me to pay $4 no and never . he asked me to pay $135 which is even less than the price if u calculate with conversion of pounds into gbp with $2. why I m being penalized for the transactions that never being completed. I m not responsible for the ego of buyer or fun of buyer . I m doing business on ebay and regards the buyer who comes to my id . try my level best for the statement :- customer satisfaction is our motto. But if its in this case I really say that I tried each and everything the buyer is not satisfied and cant be satisfied . he just wants to spoil my business on ebay for his own ego… …

Juges tell me is this justify ?
1) negatives for the transaction never ever paid.
2) 2 removed by ebay still given 5 more.
3) 5 cases in court then again given 5 more
4) satisfaying his own ego by ebay policies.
5) Didn’t read the description or contacted me if my policies are not clear
6) Changing his words on regular basis.
7) Used abusive words
8) Used threaten language
9) Buy in pounds and showed the wish to pay in dollars.
10) Creating own rules of conversion rates
11) regularly lieing in front of court even

then why I am panalized ?????????????????
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