Hello eBay Team,
Reading the latest updats on "For eBay Shop Sellers - Improved Seller Email Marketing Tool" its now proved that the earlier annoucement was wrong/misguiding.
I feel so sad that a big company like eBay do not have any special team which can verify the annoucement before they are posted.
I was happy that the email limit is raised to 5000 from 100.
But when I tried to send email it was just showing only 100.(which should be actually 5000)
I was very confused and so I had raised this issue.Now you see eBay say that it was a mistake.
Well eBay must see that no such false annoucement is made which expose the carelessness of eBay team on the whole.
Now what kind of service one can expect from eBay when the annoucment may be false.
I am happy that at last they have rectify the mistake.
With Regards,
Deep Agarwal.
Shree Krishna Gems