this is what i've been writting to eshoppers and baazee team:
hi, ref: order id:2392595, hand shredder machine, the product size mentioned is with paper inlet size of 123mm but the one sent to me is of 60mm, half the size, this product is useless to me and has no practical use to me, i want my moneyback else the product as advertised, its been 2months (60 days) having placed the order,i wuld have incurred similar expense on internet usage, it doesnt serve the purpose of online shopping.
i will be sending you the product today as against the warranty claim, baazee team kindly work on the community values that you have so gracefully mentioned in the new look, working on just the GUI wont keep the buyers stick to the site, in service industry as you may know,its the service that matters, have atleast the courtesy to reply back. very high regards to you all.