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Forum Posts

Open House Discussion with Sharat, Sr Manager Trust&Safety, 29 Sep, 4-5 PM

Dear Members, Please join Sharat Digumarti, Sr. Manager – Trust and Safety, in a discussion on the Trust and Safety topics and concerns that you have regarding the same. Sharat will be here for an hour to discuss various topics like user verification...

PaisaPay is not transparent?

I purchased an item from Ebay India on 16th of July and paid around Rs 2300/- (including Rs 350/-) for shipping. Since I did not receive the item till end-July I wrote to the seller. He apologised saying his registration was "temporarily cancelled" b...

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eBay seminar on “What’s Next – the New Realities in eCommerce" on CNBC TV18

Hi, In Bangalore on September 15th 2006, eBay concluded a seminar in association with NASSCOM on “What’s Next – the New Realities in eCommerce”. Based on the seminar, a half hour special episode will be aired on CNBC TV Eighteen, on Saturday the 30th...

Ebay forgot to create a Category for WHITE TOPAZ?? Very Shocking:(

Dear Ebay Team, You had forgot to create a Category for White Topaz and Yellow Topaz. I am very surprised to see that many groups were created for Blue Topaz in connection to the Shapes but White topaz and Yellow Topaz are in good Quantity in eBay bu...

Important For All --- Plz read:|

Nowadays I m getting many fake mails and the mail is just exactly looks like it is from eBay. Be careful. Always check for your my messages because the contents of the mail always push me to open the site. At first I got a fake mail and the sender ad...

Who are these 2 FB / SMS verified buyers?

Hi friends, They give impressive addresses. But you'll never get them in their mobile number. They will never pay by PaisaPay. All they do is ask your ICICI bank a/c no. and ask you to send COD. If they can do bank transfer payment, they can pay by P...

apple ipod earphones

i am desperately trying to find apple ipod earphones which comes in the box with the ipod itself inside it on this site but all i am getting is earphones with remote or something similar from different brands. please find buyers who have this item an...

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Dear Mr. Batra, the listing of items in a mini image has been provided free of cost for a limited period only. Why cant you provide this facility for ever. Other charges any how you are charhing as usual. Regards Manohar

eBay please kindly improve the Customer Care Service??Not at all HELFUL:(

Dear eBay team, Please please kindly improve the Customer Care Service,This is my humble request to you. I had mailed Cuastomer Care asking about a item, that is the listing is correct or not? If there is any mistake or any policy violetion then plea...

require more detail

recently i have register to your site in the name of bindugogri7777. is there other formality i have to fullfill , and how ill know if a buter pays me and how can i know his add for spping the title .