Dear Sharat Digumarti,
Hello and a great welcome on the Community Board, once again.
It's always a pleasure to have Pinks on Board for Open House discussion.
There has been vast improvement after the strings has been tightened on issues like nigerians, multiple listings & feedback system.
The issue which still need T&S attention are :-
1. Proper back-up after a Seller is suspended for SNP.
2. User friendly, prompt and affordable ODR.
3. No tolerance on Multiple Listings through multiple ID's. (MLTMI)
All the three issues are critical and needs to be looked into deeply.
I have raised MLTMI issue last time when you were here on Board but didn't got a convincing reply from your side.
I have raised this issue on Voices too but of no avail.
I have submitted the proofs, clear enough to be understood by a layman, that the accounts of a particular member are linked and the member is continuously indulging in abuse of Multiple ID's for multiple listing. This has been going on since February, with no check from your side.
The reply which I normally get from ebay's side is that there are not sufficient proofs to link the ID's and nothing more can be disclosed due to Privacy Policy.
If that's is the ease with which members can FOOL the system and still carry on to create an un-level playing field then it's a PITY.
It's really a PITY that NEW SELLERS would never be able to compete with those who have learnt the art of fooling the system and T&S is keeping it's eyes CLOSED.
It's a PITY that they are creating 20's and 30's of the same listings to make an un-pleasant Buyer's experience.
It's PITY that they are creating hundreds of listings without GALLERY that neither generates revenue for ebay nor proportionate fulfilled Sales for them.
It's PITY that after following the issue with Customer Care, T&S, ProjectKnights, Trina, Sapana, Biren ..... nothing happened .... not even a convincing reply.
This show that the system is not FOOL PROOF and it's quite easy for someone to take undue advantage.
Am sorry to say that new members eager to sell on ebay would find it too frustating.
Hope, you will look into the matter and give a convincing reply ...... this time.
best regards
Umang Midha
best regards
Umang Midha