Open House Discussion with Sharat, Sr Manager Trust&Safety, 29 Sep, 4-5 PM
eBay Employee
eBay Employee
Dear Members,

Please join Sharat Digumarti, Sr. Manager – Trust and Safety, in a discussion on the Trust and Safety topics and concerns that you have regarding the same. Sharat will be here for an hour to discuss various topics like user verification, site policies etc. You can post your question by clicking on the 'Post a reply button'

Host: Sharat Digumarti, Sr. Manager – Trust and Safety

Date: Friday, 29th September

Time: 4.00 PM to 5.00 PM (IST)

We look forward to seeing you then!

Thanks and Regards,
Community Development Team
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Open House Discussion with Sharat, Sr Manager Trust&Safety, 29 Sep, 4-5 PM

Community Member
Dear Sharat Digumarti,

Hello and a great welcome on the Community Board, once again.

It's always a pleasure to have Pinks on Board for Open House discussion.

There has been vast improvement after the strings has been tightened on issues like nigerians, multiple listings & feedback system.

The issue which still need T&S attention are :-

1. Proper back-up after a Seller is suspended for SNP.
2. User friendly, prompt and affordable ODR.
3. No tolerance on Multiple Listings through multiple ID's. (MLTMI)

All the three issues are critical and needs to be looked into deeply.

I have raised MLTMI issue last time when you were here on Board but didn't got a convincing reply from your side.

I have raised this issue on Voices too but of no avail.

I have submitted the proofs, clear enough to be understood by a layman, that the accounts of a particular member are linked and the member is continuously indulging in abuse of Multiple ID's for multiple listing. This has been going on since February, with no check from your side.

The reply which I normally get from ebay's side is that there are not sufficient proofs to link the ID's and nothing more can be disclosed due to Privacy Policy.

If that's is the ease with which members can FOOL the system and still carry on to create an un-level playing field then it's a PITY.

It's really a PITY that NEW SELLERS would never be able to compete with those who have learnt the art of fooling the system and T&S is keeping it's eyes CLOSED.

It's a PITY that they are creating 20's and 30's of the same listings to make an un-pleasant Buyer's experience.

It's PITY that they are creating hundreds of listings without GALLERY that neither generates revenue for ebay nor proportionate fulfilled Sales for them.

It's PITY that after following the issue with Customer Care, T&S, ProjectKnights, Trina, Sapana, Biren ..... nothing happened .... not even a convincing reply.

This show that the system is not FOOL PROOF and it's quite easy for someone to take undue advantage.

Am sorry to say that new members eager to sell on ebay would find it too frustating.

Hope, you will look into the matter and give a convincing reply ...... this time.

best regards

Umang Midha .

IndConcepts logo7

best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
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Open House Discussion with Sharat, Sr Manager Trust&Safety, 29 Sep, 4-5 PM

Community Member
Dear Sharat Digumarti,

Hello and its great to see you on community boards again.

I have seen a lot of improvement including sales from past 2-3 months.

But I was very unhappy that I get a lot of spam messages (especially china registered users). I am very tired of reporting each and every messages to eBay. Solving this problem should become priority for T & S team.

I have seen many new sellers are unhappy with the response they are getting as the trust from the buyers on new sellers are become low!

Hope genuine new sellers gets all support from eBay team. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
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Open House Discussion with Sharat, Sr Manager Trust&Safety, 29 Sep, 4-5 PM

Community Member
Wouldnt it be great if we have a report this message link aside every message we receive. This makes the process of reporting faster !!

Regards Superstores_Tech

Ankur Agarwal

Ankur Agarwal
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Open House Discussion with Sharat, Sr Manager Trust&Safety, 29 Sep, 4-5 PM

Community Member

I had purchased a mobile phone (the item No. is 230020030119) from your trusted (e-bay peiple saying) seller shopper.meher.shopper and Rs. 2608/-paid through ICICI online bank transfer, till day i have not received my ordered item nor my return back. Now I have came to know that the seller is using e-bay site to cheat people and make a lot of money from innocent buyers. Now a days the seller is no longer a resitered user on e-bay nor traceable, I have already registered a complaint on e-bay trust & safety team. After some days surprisingly i have seen this same seller is selling the same item through e-bay with an another use id i.e. 123siddhart. So, kindly tell me how can I get back my hardly earned money. (sorry for my bad english sir,)


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Open House Discussion with Sharat, Sr Manager Trust&Safety, 29 Sep, 4-5 PM

One rule of eBay I found is very bad and can harm to seller
I offer my buyer money back and exchange policy
Recently two buyer use my refund policy and I give him 100% refund
Item no 1 is 260011167553, no. 2 is 260004110435
No 1 refund at 24th and 2nd at 30th
2nd buyer also open a dispute against me you can read it
After that both buyer complain to me that payment is not received from paisa pay
Paisa pay system is perfect and I don’t have any doubt that buyer don’t get refund but may don’t know how to find credit and paisa pay send email to seller but don’t send email to buyer that YOUR PAISA PAY REFUND IS GIVEN TO YOUR ORIGINAL PAISA PAY SOURCE FROM SELLER “xyz”
And contact us system is very tropical and not easy for buyer to find
I contact to eBay through customer support, live chat and toll free phone and request him/her to send details of my refund transaction to my buyer and all reply me same inform your buyer to contact us I request once again that buyer is can not find that option so take this my request and give email to buyer to transaction details
And all reply me same we can not take request of yours buyer must contact
Buyer has faith on eBay but not to his trading partner and in this situation buyer run for leave negative to seller
If in this situation buyer leave negative to seller
Who is liable to get negative seller or eBay system?
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Open House Discussion with Sharat, Sr Manager Trust&Safety, 29 Sep, 4-5 PM

Community Member

What I have found very bad with ebay India that no one gives any reply in case there is any problem with the customer.

I have paid an amount Rs 8,700/- on 30th August for the item #140021218595.

When I didn't get the product I wrote a mail to ebay on 7th September (Ref No. KMM41365917V17183L0KM) & once again on 13th September. I am very sad to say no one contacted me after this from ebay. Though ebay is supposed to give the reply with in 72 hours.

I have trusted the name ebay since this is an US organization. I seems Indian part of ebay can't be trusted any more.

This has created very bad impression in mind regarding ebay & ebay's customer care. Probably I will never buy a single thing from ebay in my life time.


Arindam Chakrabarti
Phone: 98311-14630 / 92315-28777
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Open House Discussion with Sharat, Sr Manager Trust&Safety, 29 Sep, 4-5 PM

Community Member
Dear Sharat Digumarti,
Some points I want to share:
1.The paisapay team is extremely slow in responding. Due to that I have lost many deals. Buyers think that sellers have received the money and are not shipping the product. I have to convince them that the ebay system will verify you and release the funds, which they do not appreciate. This just creates a negative impression of Since last 10 days or so they have improved a bit by introducing 7 day processing. There should be some more thought process like ....Once a buyer has been verified for the first time he buys , the subsequent transactions should not be verified if he is using same credit card. I think ebay should have that expertise to see that the buyer in his repeat purchases does not go into a lengthy verification process. The transaction should be instant like ebay has for its own collection from sellers. I have never been verified by ebay guys when I pay my own fees via credit card! Why is such an instant process not for the buyers. I understand that there are various factors which effect the real time payments but now buyers are expecting real time environment.
2.The safety department also takes some policy violations very lightly and sometimes even tries to defend its own policies. I had sent enough proofs , but I just get a tailor made emails that they have investigated the case and nothing happens to the violator of policies. The next day the same seller starts doing what he was doing and violates the policies. I suggest that account managers of each category should see all listings himself every morning and take decisions on the spot, so that false sellers are eliminated.
3.There is a wide gap in false sellers selling with multiple ids and multiple listings with huge shipping cost & use gallery feature, flood till first two pages & after that they disappear and login with new ids. By doing this they are just making it difficult for a genuine buyer to buy. In this process losers are and genuine sellers. The beneficiaries are the false sellers who may make fast cash and runaway.
4.The spammers from China & Switzerland are making this worst.
5.There should be a verification of buyer compulsory with Credit Card or a SMS validation process. This feature should be implemented at the time of registering itself and not when he is trying to purchase an item. There should be a similar verification of sellers.
6.If possible can introduce a feedback interlock ... if the buyer has paid and seller has received the payment(Mark as payment received) then only a buyer can give a feedback. This will help the feedback system more effectively , because a transaction is complete only if the buyer makes the payment.

These things should be looked into by in near future. Or else we have many people who just are in hunt of some loophole in the system and make maximum benefit from it.

Best Regards,
Assemblerz 🙂
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Open House Discussion with Sharat, Sr Manager Trust&Safety, 29 Sep, 4-5 PM

Community Member
Dear Ebay,
Iam vikrant from Mumbai on 23.Aug06 i purchased 1Gb IPOD (ID 17590355483)from seller called Parul1953(Delhi),I paid Rs2500/- via credit card & got confirmation mail from both Ebay & Seller for money reciept by the seller.

I paid money & on the very next day Ebay blacklisted that seller because of some unknown dispute(didn't shared with me) & deleated all the records of that seller from the website.
On 08.09.06 I recieved empty box of the item packed in an envelope,on whose end this cheating is been done I dont know nor Ebay seems to be taking intrest in this,paying 2500 & getting nothing is very disgusting & not exceptable,now u tell me who is responsible for this & who shall refund my money.Dealing through Ebay seems a mistake ,pls do something on ur part to get my money/item back.
>Ebay should confirm that item has been actually sent by the seller or money should be paid after delievery.
>For cheat sellers there should be provision of some legal action.

Vikrant Nautiyal
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Open House Discussion with Sharat, Sr Manager Trust&Safety, 29 Sep, 4-5 PM

Community Member
hi! i am very concerned with the fact that ebay is not taking any strict action on non buying bidders / seems they are more protected than the sellers.just an unpaid item strike does not help coz it is easy to change their user id and address.i say this coz it happened with me and for a second consecutive time the same buyer did not pay.she is ruby pillai from bangalore.THANKS.
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