what can be said of baazee, except they are the most IT savvy supporters of fake sellers, my experience is as such i had bought a camera from cybershotzone on 9/12/04. i had paid the amount for the same on the same day with paiapay( 4% extra fr paisapay only!!!). the order i.d was 2444169.
one week went by two weeks went by , and then three ....i got i wrote frantic mails to the seeler, made phone callsto him and even WENT TO HIS PLACE . but he dint respond to my mails, he doesnt lift his phone and was ABSENT FROM HIS PLACE .
i lodged a problem with baazee, and the seller did mail me that HE WILL REFUND THE MONEY IN FEB , i communicated the same to disputes@baazee.com , but no response.
all readers would probbaly say that , if the seller says he willr efund so i shud have my cool...NONONONO, the baazee policy states that i have to fill MY BAZZE BUY PROTECTION CLAIM FORM WITHIN 45 DAYS OF FILING A COMPLAINT OR ELSE I AM NOT ELIGIBLE....IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE IN BAAZEE WHO KEEPS TRACK OF SUCH FRAUDSTERS OR NOT ...
as i said andher nagari and chaupat raja !!!!