I was just reading this chain out of interest but realize something serious going on. Being a consultant to vey big companies in the world for analyzing thei pocesses and impove them, i felt my views may help here.
All you sellers must understand that all things gives good result for a time and then needs a relook to make it as per change in custome behaviour. Ebay/bazee provided both selle & buye in india a platfom to buy items which are higher in cost in primary market or difficult to get in primay market or for lack of time.
It woked fine as there were few sellers and majority doing a decent n genuine sales. then what happens now?
Lets see what could be the reason
1. As a customer, It's difficult to find an item properly. e.g look for 1 item you will find that for 1st 3-4 pages, 1 person has listed the itme with standard description.
2. you sort by any category, it list featured items first which may not what as a customer i want..so manipulating for this ebay charge.
3. The items available on ebay are easily available in cities much cheaper.
4. There is no interacting forums..this one is ther but where is the buyer participation?
5. in selling n buying there is another important term called negotiation which is not there. I like an item want to offer a pice n negotiate with seller, I cant do..
There is no way by which seller can proactively contact buyers and if it is ther ethen you guys are not using it..As i wanted to buy lot of products but no selle is able to build a trust. I go to there product, have some queries, but cant ask everytime..here is the time when seller needs to pitch in n ask the customer, what do you need let me help you...just think yourselve as a custome n you will find you need personal touch. Put yourselve in Customer's shoes. Remeber Customer is the king for you and ebay and for all sellers.
About Paisa Pay: I think this is good, but looking at your concern ebay need to make it more easy to use n reliable for sellers too.
6. Now coming to your ideas of sales dip, are we targeting right customers in right quarters. There is a strong case what people want to buy..again think like your prospective customer?
7. Other sites are also offering things at competitive or lesse price, i am telling you as a customer..
I know you know it all, but this is basics..get back to basic n things will change..valentines is coming..plan it..giver your buyers something gud and interesting.. Happy selling
for specific cases, you can write me n will try help you.