Even i have closed shop & auctions because of ebay india haphazard no brain new paisepay policy. How do you expalin that sellers with lower ratings enjoy the express paisepay remttance while several established sellers like me with treble the positive ratings, get paid almost a month later!But sellers should not lose hope with the new paise pay policy,i think it is a question of a lucky dip whereby they just pick at random sellers & slot them, there seems to be no rational explanation,inspite of several emails to support, they just have no answer.i have 484 positive ratings & still they did not think it fit to put me in the express paisepay payment category,& i have been selling right from the bazee.com days when there always was a human being at the other end of the phone to solve my problems, but many with lower positive feedbacks are on the express paisepay payment, i am now selling with another id on ebay.com, where there is no such hassle & money comes first and in $$$. If the parent company has no such rules why is the indian ebay giving sellers a step motherly treatment?:|