I had purchased a laptop from ebay website on 5th April 2010 vide paisa pay ID 26512269428 and participated in the NOTOUT contest which was operative during the purchase period. Under the aforesaid NOTOUT contest certain free gift were promised by ebay on the basis of purchase value. Accordingly, the undersigned was entitled to and claimed 3 gifts namely:
1) Sandisk 8GB pendrive,
2) Bluetooth Headset
3) Micromax Q3 Dual Sim Mobile phone
Out of the above items the undersigned was sent only 2 items indicated at Sr. No. 1 and 2 above. However the third item i.e. Micromax Q3 Dual Sim mobile was not sent to the undersigned and remains undelivered till date.
On numerous telephonic, Email and Live chat sessions with Ebay/ Paisapay Customer support I was told that my area was not serviceable by the gift delivery courier and as such I should provide a new shipping address which I duly provided.
On further correspondence I was told to change my registered address in my ebay profile on ebay site which was again complied.
However, almost 4 months have elapsed since the transaction and despite my numerous reminders over Email, Chat Sessions and Telephone the promised gift item remains undelivered till date. At least on 25 occasion (which I can remember) I have been assured by the Ebay/ Paisapay Customer support that the my case has been escalated and that the article will be delivered within 1-2 days but no action followed.
The above circumstances lead the undersigned to believe that the omission to send the gift article is deliberate and calculated with and intent to defraud and deceive the gullible customer.
Secondly, the initial excuse provided by ebay that my area is not serviceable by the delivery courier is also not tenable because the other 2 gift items were sent through and delivered by the same courier service provider.